this is a gift fic written for
shuraiya . It's kind of silly, but I couldn't help myself.
Title: Teamwork
Fandom- Assassin's Creed 2
Pairing: gen Ezio, Leonardo and Rosa
Rating: PG for adult themes
Warnings: Silliness ensues and embarrassing Leonardo.
Summary: Because friends don't let other friends be unsafe.
“What is this?” Ezio scowled, holding up the long strip of lamb intestine between them. “You said you had a new piece of armor for me.” He dropped it back into the box, grimacing with distaste.
“And so it is,” Leonardo said matter-of-factly. “It’s for your...” Leonardo paused, his eyes dipping below Ezio’s belt before quickly rushing back up. “Charming the ladies,” he finished. Ezio raised an eyebrow and looked back inside the box.
“You mean I am to wear this?” he asked pulling it over one finger and testing its resistance.
Leonardo coughed, reaching to snatch it away before thinking better of it. “Don’t tear it, and yes. A sickness has been cropping up recently. I’ve seen the affects on some of the corpses the city has been donating to me. I can show you if you like?”
Ezio waved and hand and shook. “No, thanks.”
“I’ve been asking around and it appears many of those infected are frequent visitors of the brothels. Sister Theodora is quite concerned.”
Ezio dropped the item back into it’s box and and set it back on the wooden table. “I’ll take my chances,” he replied. “Besides, I’ve had little time for women.”
“That’s not what I’ve heard,” Leonardo wagged a finger. He crossed over to the table and picked up the box. Ezio arched an eyebrow.
“That is none of your concern,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“No, it is not,” Leonardo agreed, wrapping up the box with cloth and tying it with string. “But if you refuse to take it, I will not let it go to waste. If you are not interested, I know someone who is. A customer, if you will.”
“Who would buy something like this?” Ezio teased.
“Well I would prefer to steal it, but maestro is a friend of yours, no?” A female voice piped up. Startled, Ezio turned as a woman emerged from the shadows in the corner. Rosa grinned at him, her dark eyes twinkling.
Ezio’s surprise melted into a grin. “And what need would a woman have for such tools?”
Rosa lifted a brow, her eyes meeting Leonardo’s as the two shared a smile.
Rosa gave a little shrug, biting her lip as though she was struggling to hold her tongue.
Leonardo crossed his arms over his chest, lowering his chin, though it did little to hide his amusement. Ezio’s mouth dropped when he came to understand the implications.
“And do you think this appropriate, Leonardo?” he said.
Leonardo pat Ezio’s shoulder. “It is not for me to say what is or is not appropriate. I’m not a doctor, Ezio, or a cleric. If the lady is wise enough to put faith in science, who am I to stop her?”
“Dio Mio,” Ezio muttered, crossing himself. “Then pray the church does not catch wind of this. For now, I will do you both a favor and take the gift for myself.” Ezio grabbed the box from the wooden table and tucked it under his arm. “I will forget, for both your sakes, that we discussed any of this.” He shot them both a look of warning before exiting through the door.
Rosa smiled at his hasty exit, watching his retreating back as she sidled up to the painter.
“You have done me a great service,” Leonardo praised her.
Rosa shrugged one shoulder, tilting her head. “Hrm, yes, but now we must convince him to use it,” she winked.
Leonardo opened his mouth and paused. He felt his cheeks turn a bright red as he stammered unintelligibly about needing to get back to work.