Mar 29, 2004 13:45
BLARGH! I have to do homework today! I fuggin hate Mondays, and I really hate that too because then I feel like that faggety guy on Office Space. But I gotta do stupid homework >.<. FSCK! I need to clean my room so bad! I have paper plates and water bottles laying all over the floor, also my couch is COVERED in cat nip. So the cats have been having their orgasms all over my sleeping place. One disturbing thing I noticed is that the ladder on meh bed thing is loose, so when I had John stay over the other day he was on the top bunk. So whenever one of us moved a little bit the ladder would make a loud squeaky noise. Not a very good sound to come from a bedroom. Oh, even though I've known this for like...2 months, the Star Wars Trilogy is coming out on DVD Sept 21.. coooooooool (Sauron voice). I also recently got Pandora Tomorrow and have been playing that on Xbox Live, nothing more fun than sneaking up behind meh pal Noah and snapping his neck ;D. Well, since I don't play FFXI for 15 hours strait anymore i'll probally start updating this more often, maybe change my layout since I think we can all agree it sucks elephant nads. Later.
teh Waffles