Oct 03, 2007 13:00
its been a while, ya?
so pretty much school is pretty easy this semester. I only have 3 classes, so thats tight.
Band is still amazing.
Kyle and I are still apart. I'm doing well with it. woo singleness. We're still good friends though, and I'm excited to see him this weekend.
I'm coming home this weekend! So all you Simi peoples can visit me!! Can you say party? Its pretty easy, like Paaaarrrrtteeeeee. Haha.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes! I had an amazing birthday weekend. We won the game, then I got crepes with my parents. Then there was the Pirates vs. Ninja's party! It was awesome and I was for sure the hottest pirate there. But yeah, this awesome guy *so cute* in my section was there and we danced and whatnot. teehee, I'm such a sucker for cute guys. We'll see where that goes, but I am pretty content to have my distant crush right now. *mmmm*
Then on ....Sunday? yeah, my parents took me out to lunch (ugh, hangover!) at the Rainforest Cafe in San Fran. It was so much fun. They gave me presents, including a Coach purse gift certificate!! So this weekend I'm going to buy one at home or something. I can pretty much die happy now. I also keep having the sudden urge to want to hit my ex-roommate across the face with it, but since I don't see her anymore, thats sort of impossible.
Well, back to studying and practicing, we have testing on What is Hip? and Sir Duke this week and I can hardly play them!
See y'all Friday or Saturday or Sunday :)