The gloves are off, the wisdom teeth are out.

Apr 27, 2013 12:39

The end of a term is always a bittersweet experience. Sometimes my life doesn't even feel like my own life. It's almost as if an outside observer has been writing and filming my every action for decades to make some sort of indie art film and all my memories is just that person trying to cut and paste these specific scenes in order to create something meaningful.

I was so eager to get my co-op term over but on that very last day I really felt like I had taken that whole experience for granted. I really have accomplished a lot this term and I shouldn't have led myself to believe that I wasn't good enough. I helped run several different student health education teams, I lead team meetings, I represented my school at a national mental health conference, I planned events, I contributed ideas all the time, I was on good terms with all the staff... I freaking rocked. Not to say that I definitely don't have much room for improvement. During my evaluation my co-op boss kept gushing at me and telling me how much of a pleasure it was to have me and that I had really set the bar high. She even told me that out of all the co-op students she had hired in the past I was her favourite. I never would have thought I could have made quite the impression.

Near the end of the day, all the staff and the four other co-op students gathered around in a circle and we said our final words of goodbyes to each other while exchanging gifts and eating all the sweet treats that we brought for each other. I can't believe how many incredible people I got the chance to meet and get to know this term. I wonder how I got to be so lucky. I really should have savoured those moments I spent with them a lot more. At least it's not too late to start savouring the moments that will come. I will still be involved with health services in the future and my boss already emphasized heavily that we're going to be keeping in touch in the future, so it wasn't actually a permanent goodbye. I'm going to miss seeing the other co-op students everyday though. I'm going to miss it a lot.

After work I went to a friend's house to celebrate my former housemate's birthday. It was the perfect way to end the term. I still can't get over the fact that I've managed to somehow befriend these amazing people and that they still like to have me around after all this time. I had a sleepover with my two former housemates and we stayed up late having some long overdue girl talks. A lot of people I know have graduated and a lot of people I know I won't see for four months. It's a weird complicated feeling of both sadness and happiness because at least I was fortunate enough to cross paths with them. Time is such a strange concept. Four months seems like such a large open window but then it just slams shut so quickly that you're left wondering whether you actually did in fact manage to feel that breeze that blew in or whether you had just imagined that chilly sensation that crept upon your skin. 

warm fuzzies

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