I'm going to backtrack a bit. I did say I was going to start writing down my happy memories after all. Plus I have some time to kill on campus before an event I'm attending starts.
So some a time a few weeks ago, a few of my friends invited me over to their house for dinner. There wasn't a special occasion or anything, which to me makes it that much more a happy memory because it was spontaneous and I lack a lot of spontaneity in my life. Also I'm happy whenever I'm invited anywhere. I was raised by an extremely stingy family so it was so bizarre yet so wholeheartedly welcome to meet so many generous people here. (I've got to stop saying "so" so often...). They just randomly invited a bunch of us over and cooked this amazingly delicious dinner for us for no other reason than for all of us to enjoy each other's company. Now if only I could actually cook something edible so that I could return the favour.
On March 9th, I got to attend my university's Science GradBall. It's kind of like Prom (but MUCH better) for university students but all faculties and non-grads were allowed to attend. I was on the committee so I was there really early helping to set up. I was on the GradBall committee last year as well and it was a lot of fun. We got to stay in a hotel room for free and dress up and get our pictures taken by professional photographers. And we always are the very last ones to leave the dance floor. The best moments always happen during those last moments on the dance floor. There was Harlem shaking, square dancing with random drunk people, Irish jigs, emotional hugging, and so much more. Maybe if I'm lucky enough, I'll be able to be a part of it again next year when I'm actually graduating, and it will be even more fun.
On March 11th, I got to help out at the "90's Games Night" event that was part of six weeks of stress relief events that my university was putting on. It's really difficult to plan events at my school because the majority of students are too preoccupied with studying that they don't want to waste anytime engaging in frivolous activities. But we did get a decent amount of attendees. There was a group of international students with heavy European accents (maybe Turkish I think? Or maybe Brazilian... But that's not in Europe... I don't know, I'm bad with accents.) and they were particularly memorable. They're group consisted of about one girl and maybe like five guys. They were the most adorable thing though. They got incredibly into our life-sized game of Snakes and Ladders and they even played the game that everyone else was too embarrassed to play--Twister (we were in a public space). They were laughing the entire time and seemed like they were having the time of their lives. They even thanked us at the end for having an event like that. So yeah, even though we're university students and games are apparently really lame because all most people want to do is just get really drunk, maybe we could all benefit a little more from that inner child in us that doesn't care about how cool we look in front of everyone else or that we're all tangled up with five other dudes on a small piece of white cloth with coloured dots.
Even though I already mentioned the Unleash The Noise summit I attended on the weekend in a previous entry, I neglected to mention that while staying in the hotel room, I somehow ended up roaming the halls and meeting up with a group of girls from Manitoba that invited me to come to a male strip club with them. I had never been to a male strip club before. It was very strange. A bunch of extremely muscular males would just play with themselves while dancing from one end of the stage to the other while occasionally mixing it up with some very surprisingly good pole dancing. The first male stripper though, he actually looked right at me and said, "How come you look so shy?" To which I nervously laughed it off while desperately hoping that he wouldn't for the love of god proceed to come closer to me and start thrusting his junk in my face or something. This wasn't so much a "happy" memory per se, it was more just a memory of me deciding to try something new. Hooray for spontaneity! (I left after less than an hour.)
And finally, the last happy memory that I'll mention here (because my laptop battery is dying and I can't remember anything else right now) is St. Patrick's Day. I was really looking forward to it this year because last year was kind of a dud. And I had finally purchased green pants! However, I soon discovered that I didn't have any set plans. A lot of people I knew were going to this one person's birthday party that I wasn't actually invited to. I could have still gone to it but I felt like I'd just be taking up space. Other people I knew were too busy studying. And then there those that bailed. So even though I was really excited and I really wanted to wear my green pants, I decided I was just going to stay at home and be my usual super lame self. My housemates had invited over their super obnoxious and annoyingly loud drunk friends though, so even that plan wasn't going to work. Fortunately though, I found refuge with one of my friends from first year. She made dinner for me at her house and then we went out for dinner together. While we were eating, I kept telling her how much I missed hanging out with the group of engineers that I had become friends with recently. I really like hanging out with them but I always have to wait for them to invite me to hang out with them because I'm too self conscious about how lame I am to invite them to anything. Strangely enough though, near the end of our dessert when I checked my phone I noticed that I had a missed and a text message from one of them. I got my invite to hang out with them after all. But of course I didn't just ditch the friend I was with; we hung out and talked for a while more before she decided that she didn't really feel like meeting these engineering friends of mine and went home. So I met up with them and we went to our campus pub to have a drunken dance party and then I left early to go home because it was a Sunday and I had to work the next day. It was actually a lot of fun though. I never thought I'd end up in a dance circle comprised of 99% guys. I don't think I mind too much that they're mostly super nice and inclusive towards me because I am a girl and in they're program they don't see a lot of girls. It's nice feeling important and wanted and that I'm not just taking up space. I just hope I can learn to distinguish between genuine niceness and flirting though because I don't think I really need guys to be flirting with me right now. (Romantic relationships are super awks.)