I went shopping again on my own in the morning. I enjoy going alone so much that whenever people suggest that we go shopping together I agree for the sake of it being more of a hangout situation and not a situation where I actually really need to buy something. I used to hate shopping by myself because I always thought I had the worst taste and needed other people's second opinion. But then it became too difficult to coordinate shopping dates with everyone's busy schedules and I resorted to going by myself. I realized I liked it a lot better than going with people. I could go to only the stores I wanted, take as long as I wanted, not have to wait around for anyone, not have to run around looking for different clothing sizes for anyone while they held their spot in the changing room, I could eat in the food court alone and not have to worry about trying to make conversation with anyone, etc. My housemate offered me a ride to the grocery store since she was going anyway but I turned it down because I was planning on going alone later in the week. It would have been a lot more convenient to have had a car since I usually walk and have to carry everything by hand (or in my backpack). I think I'd rather not depend on people. But the more I turn down people's generosity the more I think I'm making a huge mistake. I try not to be a burden on anyone or have them go through any trouble for. Maybe that's why I've never been close with anyone in myself. I take up as little space as I can. Benjamin Franklin apparently got people to like him better by asking them to do favours for him (courtesy of
cognitive dissonance). I don't think I'm going to start asking people to do favours for me though. Because then I need to reciprocate and who knows what I'll be guilted into doing.