Writing, Pigs and TV. Same old.

Sep 07, 2011 14:32

I wrote! And I mean I write a lot, sat down last week and accidentally saw something inspiring. Reminded me how GOOD it feels. It'll be up here soon, I just need a chance to commit it to keyboard when I'm not on the clock. I gotta keep this up, makes me remember who I am...

Work is good, difficult and not perfect, but good and secure. Have to focus on that and stay consistent. Workworkwork. So grateful.Probably should stop posting at work as well. :)

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, trouble w/ the law. All I can do is wait. I hate the fact that there is NOTHING I can do, what's done is done and my fate is completely in the hands of a bunch of bureaucratic, number crunching, suspicious people who have no idea that I actually don't suck that bad. Having a crisis of identity. This isn't who I want to be, a person w/ these kinds of problems. Ashamed. Gotta make a change. This could be really bad.

Oh WOW TVs almost starting!!! Every year, the gap between cable and network television gets smaller - re: quality. I think this is the first year I've actually felt like cable held me over, distracted me, kept me from missing my characters. Scary for the business, but very exciting for the viewer. I wonder how this change will affect the career I'd like to have? Hurm.
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