(no subject)

Feb 10, 2008 20:29


Can you BELIEVE some of my typos in the last post? 'Cause wow.

So, I'm thinking that maybe I'm not who I think I am. That my beliefs and goals for myself aren't any closer to being reached than they were when I first decided that were important.

So, the places that Dean's dream took place?

He woke up in the Impala, and movead along to the most recent motel room. That didn't mean much until I remembered that Bobby's dream took place soley in his house.

For Dean, those two places are his home. I realized it in the moddle of lunch today. And people thought I was crazy.

I love that Bobby had a backstory more than is expressible. ;)

Am I the only one who expected something crazy!psychic to happen when Sam was "concentrating" on creating Jeremy's dad? 'Cause I was scared/excited.

I felt sooo conflicted during the Sam/Bella scenes. I don't know why, but they felt like some sort of Dean betrayal... but they were hot, so I figure it's even.

So much work! I want Spring Break NOW.

[ sitting on the fourth floor of library, typing LJ entry]

Amanda: typetypeprocrastinatetype

Girl @ Other Table: (to Other Girl @ Other Table) You ever been tittly fucked?

Oh, College.
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