
Dec 02, 2007 20:54

... the weather report didn't say anything about this...

Um... want some cocoa?

zelos, lloyd

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never_sacrifice December 4 2007, 03:48:19 UTC
[As soon as he saw the Cruxis Crystal settled at Zelos' chest, Lloyd's heart felt like it'd been squeezed. He knew what was coming, and the quickness of the release of Zelos' wings startled him - he winced lightly, wishing he'd been able to tell Zelos to stop, that he didn't need to do anything. But there they were, just as, if not more dazzling than Colette's and much more so than his own. He figured it had to do with being a Chosen-- a thought that instantly exploded into a myriad of worries and thoughts, question after question. Can he still sleep? He can still speak, but does he taste? He can feel me, right? Is his heart in danger? I'll never... lose him like I first did Colette, will I?

So many things to ask, to find out, to worry about. But he forces his breathing to stay steady and ignores his racing heart, opting instead to reach over to Zelos' face and stroke his cheek lightly.]

... they're beautiful, you know.


so_wilder December 4 2007, 04:18:46 UTC
[As Lloyd moved closer he almost stepped back, the hand against his cheek causing him to physically flinch. But the motion is gentle, and Zelos finally has to look up at Lloyd's words, his expression a blend of fearful and disbelieving. But Lloyd's sincerity is as clear as it's always been, and with a relieved sound somewhere between a sigh and a sob, Zelos leans forward, his head settling against Lloyd's shoulder. Still trembling, still shaken, and entirely unable to respond just yet.]


never_sacrifice December 4 2007, 04:55:00 UTC
[Being careful all the while, Lloyd wraps his arms around the lower portion of Zelos' back, avoiding touching the wings as best he can. He's not put off by them - far from - but he's simply not sure how Zelos would react even at an accidental touching.]

... [They stay like this a while, Lloyd biting back the only question he really wants to ask: how? Once again, his mind is racing frantically, wondering just how he should respond, what Zelos wants to hear and what Lloyd can see himself honestly saying. After chewing on his bottom lip a moment, he finally decides to just see how things go.]

..... they must... represent so much pain for you. I can see why you haven't wanted to show them before. ... I think I would have done the same thing.

[Plagued with hesitations. Lloyd's not sure he likes that - he knows he needs to be firm, to show strength, if only to perhaps inspire Zelos to work toward returning to his own strength.]If you're ashamed of them, or scared of them, or anything like that? I don't think you need to be anymore. That' ( ... )


so_wilder December 4 2007, 05:25:19 UTC
[Any tension at Lloyd's gestures easing quickly, Zelos can't help but savour the comfort of being held, even as he's nervous and reluctant to move too much. He stays still, remaining nestled against Lloyd's shoulder, and it's only now that he's calming down, breathing soft, that he realises just how much his heart had been thumping.

Ashamed or scared... when he finally speaks, his voice is full of uncertainty.] I don't know... I don't know what I feel. I don't like them. [And he manages to chuckle.] I guess that was kinda obvious already, huh?

[He sighed softly, before adding.] I'm sorry. I guess this is kinda sudden. You don't have to... say anything, or worry about it. I just wanted you to know.


never_sacrifice December 4 2007, 06:09:46 UTC
[Lloyd finds himself nodding, understanding, even with the fact that he's never gone through this, just how hard it must be for the former Chosen. He sighs, knowing full well there's very much to discuss, and releases one arm to gesture towards the couch again.]

... let's sit. [He doesn't want to say it, but Zelos looks like his knees might give out any moment now. He starts over, gently pulling Zelos with him. Regarding Zelos head on once again, he's not sure if...] ... if they make you feel uncomfortable, you don't have to keep them out like this.

... and um... is it okay to ask... [He breathes in deeply, stalling for a moment, and ultimately not sure he should or even wants to. Nevertheless, he exhales with a single word.] ... how?


so_wilder December 4 2007, 15:57:55 UTC
[Letting himself be led over to the couch, Zelos sat, angling himself carefully. With Lloyd's suggestion though he brought his hand back to the gem with no hint of hesitation, the wings vanishing just as quickly as they'd appeared. Without them, the whole room seemed darker. Zelos awkwardly placed his hands in his lap, letting the silence hang between them for a time as he considered what to say.]

It was that night, at Altessa's. [He wasn't sure how Lloyd was going to feel about this, and for a second he considered changing his mind altogether, making something up or somehow trying to change the subject. Like that was even really an option.] Mithos knew things were gonna kick up a notch, so he... you guys were eating, and I went outside. He followed, and we spoke, and... he was making a point. Keeping me in check. [Zelos glanced over, a slight, nervous smile on his face.] But I'm here, so, I guess he didn't do a very good job of that, huh?


never_sacrifice December 4 2007, 17:49:31 UTC
[Without needing any clarification at all, Lloyd knew exactly the time Zelos was talking about. He swallowed - he'd remembered seeing Zelos leave, but had been too worried about Colette at the time to give Zelos more than a questioning glance. Knowing now what happened, he couldn't help a sickening sensation from growing within his gut.]

... I'm sorry I didn't notice anything. [He clenches his fist a little, desperately trying to hang onto any inkling of respect he had for the half-elf.] He... I didn't know he could do that! Agh, I really wish I'd known sooner. It never even occurred to me that he would be hurting you like that.

[He remains silent a moment, now a tad riled up and frowning grumpily. With a thought to the tentative smile on Zelos' face just a moment ago, he sighed and relaxed his shoulders, which had bunched up without him knowing. He reaches out to make contact with Zelos, any kind at all.] ... no, he didn't. And I'm really glad for that.


so_wilder December 4 2007, 19:42:50 UTC
[That was so typically Lloyd. Any other time Zelos might have laughed to hear it, Lloyd worrying about not noticing or being able to help and completely forgetting Zelos' own role in the matter. Instead he shakes his head, making no move to respond to Lloyd's gesture but not shying away from the contact either.]

... [He doesn't know how to fill the silence, or even how he feels. A moment ago he'd just been uncertain, and afraid. Now it's almost apathy that seems to be consuming him, his gaze once more distant, fixed loosely on his own clasped hands. What does Lloyd want him to say, or expect to hear? Suddenly, he can't seem to think at all. He stays quiet.]


never_sacrifice December 4 2007, 21:43:08 UTC
[The frown returns, but it's much less grumpy and instead accompanies furrowing eyebrows in worry. He reaches for Zelos' hands with his own, very carefully gripping them and bringing them from the other's lap. Lifting them up slowly, closer to his face, he lightly kisses the back of the topmost hand. He's not expecting anything from Zelos - but he does hope for that absolutely shaken look on Zelos' face to go away as soon as he's able to.]


so_wilder December 4 2007, 23:09:21 UTC
[It takes a moment, silently watching Lloyd's actions, apparently impassive. Then, carefully, he withdraws his hands from Lloyd's grip - despite the motion, his expression is softer now, reassured. Once more he brings a hand to the crest at his chest, only this time he removes the crystal, gazing at it for just a second before continuing. Taking one of Lloyd's hands in his own and holding it out before him, palm up, Zelos places the crystal there gently. His voice is very quiet in the already silent room.]

It's precious. Not because of... of being the Chosen. That doesn't matter any more, it's... that's in the past. [He swallowed.] But this is the symbol of my trust for you, and that's precious. I don't ever want to lose that, or let you down again.

[He closes Lloyd's fingers around the gem.]

Take care of it for me. ... for us? [The last is murmured, even quieter than the rest of his words, and that anxiety is back, his voice shaking slightly as he speaks. But he looks up to Lloyd's face now, and holds his gaze.]


never_sacrifice December 5 2007, 00:41:29 UTC
[Lloyd takes the object carefully, mirroring Zelos' previous actions by bringing the crystal up to his chest. He nods to his words and seeks out Zelos' hand again with his free one and squeezes it gently.]

It's a symbol of your trust, an object I owe my life to, and something I'll always hold dear. I'll protect it with my all. Thanks for trusting me with everything we've talked about tonight, and especially for this. I'll do my best not to let you down.

[Smiling lightly, Lloyd squeezes Zelos' hand again.]

That's all either of us can do: do our best.


so_wilder December 5 2007, 01:05:33 UTC
Lloyd... [Shifting closer, leaning against Lloyd, Zelos smiles.] You know, I don't think you could let me down if you tried. [Laughing softly, he adds,] I dunno if that's impressive or not.


never_sacrifice December 5 2007, 01:53:55 UTC
[Relieved at the smile, Lloyd pulls Zelos into a hug, whether he was ready for one or not. He nuzzles softly into Zelos' neck, suddenly feeling the weight of the jewel in the fisted hand he has wrapped around Zelos' frame.]

... likewise, you know. You keep getting more and more amazing by the day.


so_wilder December 5 2007, 02:11:24 UTC
[The hug did catch him by surprise, but he just laughs again, savouring the feel of Lloyd holding him and wrapping his own arms around the other in return. The reply surprises him too, and he chuckles, light-hearted and appreciative even as he quips.]

You're crazy.


never_sacrifice December 5 2007, 04:34:08 UTC
[He chuckles back, surely having expected dismissal like that. In retaliation, he pushes a few locks of hair out of his way and bites Zelos sounding on the ear.]

I know.


so_wilder December 5 2007, 14:34:59 UTC
H-hey! [Zelos yelped as he twisted away, though his startled expression quickly settled into a smirk, eyes narrowing.] If that's how you're gonna be...

[Instead of moving closer Zelos reached forward, placing one hand against the back of Lloyd's neck and pulling the other into a kiss. He continued smirking into it, sliding his other arm around Lloyd's back and teasingly nipping at his lower lip.]


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