The vacation ended so abruptly

Mar 12, 2005 10:27

Well another exciting "vacation" has come to an end. We got home around 12 last night. I think I'm going to move to Kentucky, I love it there and I really want to spend more time with my grandpa. I love my grandpa, he's so kool. I swear he knows everything about Kentucky. We think that we're probably related to about 50% of the people there in one way or another. I think that's funny, but anyways...

We arrived in Kentucky around 8 or so Sunday night. Then we just sat there and talked to my grandpa for a little while and went to bed. I was too long ago. lol. No we went up the hill to my Aunt Linda's and Uncle Mike's house.

On Monday my mom went to pick up my grandma up in Ohio and was gone all day. Well, on Monday is when all the trouble started...First though I think I should start with a little bit of a back story.
(The Renner side of the family has always treated us differently than everyone else, all my grandma's kida and grandkids. They never liked us or atleast never showed it. Family Reunions they'd never really talk to us, all that good stuff.)Well the viewing for "mom" was at 11 for the family and 12 for the friends. My grandma called up my Aunt Linda and told her that none of us were able to go to the viewing at 11. That only "mom's" 12 kids were allowed, then she changed it to where everyone else was able to go then, at the 11 o'clock, but not us. Well that got my Aunt Linda super pissed! So needless to say when grandma and my mom arrived they flipped out on her. This is what in the exact words what my grandma said..." They only want the 12 kids there to see her first. You don't want to be there when the boys and them see her. They don't want you to make fun of them" Then she walked out after about 5 minutes due to the screaming from her comment.

The next day, Tuesday, no one really talked to my grandma. Can you blame us? It was the day of the funeral...everyone was there. I saw and talked to the only family members I liked. Turkey, Sonny & Lorraine, Mack, Jim, Uncle Ronnie and probably a few other people but I mainly kept to myself. During the funeral I tried so hard not to cry, that didn't happen. I ended up leaving early with my grandpa because he felt a little awkward and I wanted to spend time with my grandpa. It snowed!!! THe whole way home. He took me up on the big hill to show me the big ice cicles. Then after that my grandma, uncle tony, and jesse, left for home. No one was there to see them off except for my grandpa.

On Wednesday my Aunt Linda, Aunt Sherri, mom, and I tried to go to the shoe store in the woods because my Aunt Sherri wanted to go and we got lost and drove in circles for about 2 hours when it's only supposed to take us about 20 minutes to get there. Oops! lol. We had fun though. Grandpa made fun of us because we got lost. I ended up watching Catwomen, but I don't want to go Kentucky has the most gorgeous houses up there!

On Thursday, my Uncle Joe and Aunt Sherri, My mom and I and My grandpa went to visit my Aunt Linda at work. She works at walmart. I swear their walmarts are nothing like ours down here. Seriously, I liked it there me and my mom had like a shopping spree. lol. Later that night we watched my new movie, Ladder 49, we all loved it even though there were a few that wouldn't shut up. lol.

Friday morning we left around 830 or 9. We stopped at the Mayfield Dairy factory tour in Tennessee because my mom really wanted to see it. They sold ice cream there that was a dollar a scoop. Woohoo Ice cream! Then we farted around and ate a chick-fil-a....YUM!!! Then after we were already behind schedule we decided to stop in Marietta, Georgia and went to the Gone With The Wind museum and we got lost a few times and ran into rush hour in Atlanta. What fun! lol. So, that how we ended up home at midnight last night instead of like 9-10 o'clock. lol.

I want to go back to Kentucky!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I have got to go now but I talk more later. lol.
LAter days!!!!
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