Jul 03, 2005 04:11
This is me touching on the most touched on subject since the begining of time. The meaning of life. I've been thinking alot about it and, no I'm sorry, its not going to be some long emo story about how life is all about love and friends. I'm not writing about the meaning of life in that sense. I'm writing about the meaning of life in the sense of WHY THE FUCK ARE WE ALIVE...that sense. Being that this is my first entry since March or somthing like that, I believe that this is probably the best subject to write about. So grab a soda, get a blanket, and get ready to read alot of boring shit and see what it is that Tyler Jordan Matheney does when hes all alone in the middle of the night and has been up for two days without sleep. Here we go......
The meaning of life, in my opinion, is everything that I will be typing from this point on. It is my opinion, keep that in mind. It is my opinion, so of course I belive that it is the CORRECT opinion. Opinions are like ass holes, everybody has one. In my opinion I am also an asshole. This is all beside the point though. Keep in mind as your reading this (which probably three people will every read, maybe four. And I know who those four people are alreaday.) that I am of no religion. Not an athiest, undecided. I'm still debating weather or not there is a god, and I doubt I will come to a conclusion
before I die, which of course defeats the purpose of living to most people. To me, the true meaning of life is SEX. I know, I know, "But you're a virgine Tyler!" Thats not what i mean by sex. I mean that everything in this world revolves around sex. If this were a published article, mormans would read it and say, "But I'm waiting to get married until I have sex, my life dosnt revolve around it!" Yes it does. Waiting until you get married to have sex, means that you go to parties, you get smashed, some guy you just met is undoing your bra and you say those dreaded words...I CANT DO THIS, I'M WAITING FOR THE RIGHT PERSON. By saying that you state that you have given great thought towards the subject, and that throughout your whole life, you'll be looking for "the right person" and in that sense, your whole life revolves around it. That isnt the way I would have started this out, because now in order to even think that I am the least bit intelegent, you'll have to keep reading and see where I really wanted to start. THIS is where i wanted to start. Without sex, there would be no person living today. If guys had no dicks and girls didnt have vag's, you and I and Carlson wouldnt be here today. Now suposedly, Adam and Eve were the first people to ever live. Adam and Eve had sex and started the entire human race from there on. So that means that we are all direct descendants from them. Sex started everything (in religion). Now for our day to day lives and the influence that sex has on it. From the time your about 12 to the time that you die the first thing on your mind when you wake up and the last thing on your mind when you go you bed is sex. You go to school or to your job, see your friends, members of the opposite sex and then you **fall in love**. Oooooohhhhh, aaaaaaahhhh. From the very first time you feel that tightening of your stomach or that thing in your pants grow a little bit, your life is SEX. Adults and teenagers go to work to get money. They get money to buy the things that they need and want. They need things to live, which is to have sex. They want things to enjoy themselves and to look good, which atracts potential mates. Indirectly everything you do, everything you have done, and everything that you will ever do, is for sex. Sex can kill you or make you famous. Sex can make you feel like a million bucks or it can make your "organs" itch, smell or leak nasty shit that no body wants to see. I realize that there are way to many examples to cover in this one entry and no there wont be another entry about sex. But i will continue on with this one. The very music you worship, pounds your ears with lyrics of love and trendyness. Love is pretty much sex, being trendy fucks means that you are going with the crowd and that you are doing so in order to look cool and get laid. I had so many good ideas and examples to tell you but I turned on some of the greatest songs ever, which is about love and happiness, and I forgot the rest. I will leave you with this. Picture it. Close your eyes and think about what I'm going to say. Dont close your eyes until after youve finished reading though because thats just stupid as fuck. George Bush has sex. Your grandparents and parents and teachers and your idols all have sex. Terrorists have sex, they kill themselves for 71 virgins that are to be waiting for them at those pearly gates, just to have sex with them. your parents had sex and now your here. Their parents, your grandparents, had sex and they made your parents who hadsex to have you. Now everyone has AIDS
if you read that your my new sex partner