1) FUCKING NIEL GAIMAN HAS REVEALED THAT HE'S ON HIS THIRD DRAFT OF ANOTHER DOCTOR WHO EPISODE. Can we say that again, this time without the CAPS lock and in a voice that is semi-calm?: Niel Gaiman (omgomgomg) has revealed that he's (deeeeeep breath) on his third (fucking) draft of another (fucking) Doctor Who episode. Where would it go? For the second half of Season 7? Or have we all been very good boys and girls and he's writing it for the... fiftieth... anni...versary... oh dear time lord. Just take a moment to imagine that.
Doctor Who TV has revealed ten small teasers about this Saturday's episode. And ladies and gents: The writing team of Doctor Who have heard our calls. They, too, have (probably) wondered why Amy has snogged the Doctor, the Doctor has had his fair share of kisses from River, and hell, even got a kiss from his TARDIS, (and an attempted kiss to Craig) yet the Doctor has never kissed/been kissed by his other long-time companion, Rory. Wait no longer, ladies and gents, and crack those fingers: It's fic'ing time.