A Day In My Life

Feb 08, 2010 17:41

February 5th, 2010
Jupiter, Florida, U.S.A
Beware pink hair, high school, lesbians, cats, and bacon.  (Also, a few curse words in one of the pictures.)
69 pictures total
[Cross-posted to A Day In The Life and A Day In My Life]


Good morning, world.

Still not really awake.

Time I actually get out of bed.

Today is Future/Cyber Friday among my friends at school. Do you like my outfit?

Throw on a jacket, brush my teeth.

Take my ADD pill.

Print out a current event for my Economics class.

Read/fangirl over tracy_loo_who 's picspam/review of last night's Supernatural episode.

Time my ride calls to say she's here.

Time I actually get in the car.

This is my biffle Andie, who drives me to and from school everyday.

The car ride to school.

We always listen to Andie's Zen in her car.

We pick up our friend Tara on the way there.

Jupiter High School. Home of the Warriors.

Time we get to school.

Walking in the back way.

Short stop at my and Andie's locker. We are fangirls at heart.

The courtyard.

This is the usual morning group. No one else dressed up for Future/Cyber Friday! I am upset. Amber is disappointed with herself.

One of the school clubs is selling donuts in the courtyard.

My girlfriend is nice enough to buy me one. (Mmm, Marble.) I forgive her for not dressing up, but she still wishes she had remembered.

First hour. Math. My most difficult class.

Second hour. English. This class is relatively easy.

Morning annoucements. This is my friend Brodie. He brightens my day.

Third hour. Economics. This class is easy and fun. My teacher is silly and my girlfriend sits right behind me.

Fourth hour. Drama IV. This is where I spend most of my day. And most of my life.

The Drama crew. Hanging out in the back room/workshop eating and talking.

Meanwhile, I rehearse with some other Drama kids for the one-act we're in. (My girlfriend, Amber, is directing it.)

Lunch time. These are the friends I usually eat with. Plus Madie and Amber.

Amber is silly. I love her. ♥

I attempt and fail to sell the last of my Girl Scout Cookies. Don't laugh. I'm proud to be a Girl Scout.

Amber shares a bit of her orange with me, but I'm not that hungry because of my ADD pill.

Fifth hour. Drama I. (I'm a TA.) Finally manage to snap a picture of my elusive Drama teacher. For such a big man, he's incredibly sneaky.

Drama has this big (although not life-sized) camel who watches over the Drama classroom. We chill sometimes.

I play a few rounds of Things with the other Drama TAs. Fun times.

Sixth hour. Film. I'm a TA in this class, too, so the other TAs and I get to edit footage of the last Drama production (12th Night), everyone else gets to watch...

Spirited Away. (Okay, so maybe I did more watching than editing. That movie's just so cute.)

I have a Free Period seventh hour, so I get to go home early. Yay!

The group for the ride home.

Bumpersticker that made me smile.

Drop off the girlfriend. Kiss her goodbye. (I look really yellow in this picture...)

It starts raining on the way home.

My camera battery died. :( Using my phone to take pictures.

Snack time! I love me some Cheerios.

Get on the computer for a bit...

Until my mom gets home and yells at me to get off. D:<

So I decide that it's nap time. Sleepy!Andrea is sleepy.

Mom wakes me up so that I can have dinner and...

Check to see what time the Chorus concert is at.

My phone is finally finished charging!

The mom-person makes me a BLT for din-din.

Oh no! I broke my watch. (Ugh. Smudgy!makeup is smudgy. Haha @ nap!bedhead.)

I eat my BLT while I mourn.

I steal some of the extra bacon.

It cheers me up a bit.

My sister's kitten being silly with my boots in the bathroom.

In the car on the way to the Chorus concert.

JHS Chorus Winter/Spring Concert. I used to be in Chorus. I do not miss that dress.

I take silly pictures of raindrops on the way home.

Get into my PJs and watch the news with my mom.

Finish off the box of waffles. I love waffles.

Watch David Letterman.

Jungle Jack is on, so of course there are...

Adorable animals on as well. Isn't he cute!

Not as cute as my cat Comit, though. (And the stuffed animal I shoved in her face.)

My camera died again. I wish the battery lasted longer.

Oh well. Today was a pretty good day. :)

Goodnight, world.

a day in the life, non-fic/icon/mix, pictures, life, a day in my life

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