May 30, 2004 22:00
saterday me and my dfad got in a fight went to the amll with my mom lost her like 3 times we talked a little i got some stuff came home chilled ate dinner and hilary called so i went over there and we watched some movies ha ha omg so funny things in that and her sister chatted with us for a bit and i fell up the stairs we played some games she won both ha ha we watched chasing libarty (sp) and we chatted and went to bed around 2 or something we got up around 11 and we watched tv and i went home (shes coming over tomarrow for the party lol) and my dad made me something to eat yuck it was sick so yea me and my mom and my aunt and my grandma went to this one place and i got some sandles and then we wennt to walmart to look for a camera i found one and i got it its pretty sweet then we went to someother place 4got whattis called and came home and talked on the phone for like an hour and then went to dinner and came home and now i'm here
tomarrow i will post some pics
thats it