Quick story based on a conversation in which V asked me how Neil was handling Canada getting decimated by the USA on Sunday. I realize that they've still got another shot at hockey gold, but it was a tragic evening for Canadians, and the story's more fun if I ignore that fact
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Shit, the gold medal game. You're so lucky. That's going to be amazing. Mega high tension if it's Canada/USA, as I suspect it will be!
I wouldn't get your hopes up on that jersey. I don't know about USA merch, but the Canadian merch apparently has been ransacked like the aftermath of a natural disaster. I had someone ask me if I could track down some things for her here on the island, because there is just nothing left in Vancouver.
Yeah, I was just reading an article about fan reactions to Sunday's game. One woman said she took her USA jersey off after they won to keep from drawing attention to herself. But there were other people running around in the streets, and I haven't heard of any incidents. So yeah, be safe, but I don't think you'll have to be hugely concerned. Especially if you cluster with other Americans.
Aw, thanks for the offer! I think I'm good, but I'd love to see whatever photos you do get once you're back!
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