Hello people! It's nice to see you again! Or if this is your first time on one of my things, welcome! After my computer decided to eat my last two legacies and I took a hiatus from Sims (as to not murder them), I have returned with a Queen Bee Challenge. I had so much fun doing this challenge, it was super exciting to see what all the babies looked like and such, so many babies. Now, this is a
pixel_trade challenge, meaning all the "drones" were created by PT users. This was also my first time PT anything! Anyways, let's get started!!
This is Honey Biene, she is the Queen Bee of Hivesville and will be reproducing like a crazy person for this challenge.
I will like to inform people that all information posted with each Sim is just what they happened to be in my game, you don't have to use it in your game.
One more thing, all Sims are CC Included. If you wish to download a Sim without the CC, please let me know and I will add a Non-CC version for you!
Honey Biene
Family / Knowledge
Marry off 6 children
10 / 5 / 4 / 1 / 5
Muscles - Creative / Jobless
Download And this is Ren Florence (
cecile_k), you can download him
Oh and yeah, all the kids this generation were named after Xenosaga Characters, I was lacking creative naming themes, so I went with video games...like I did for Gioco.
(Sorry about the bad photo, they were pissing me off by the time I did this.)
Family / Knowledge
Reach Golden Anniversary
10 / 2 / 6 / 4 / 8
Makeup - Red Hair / Creative
Download Momo
Knowledge / Family
Marry off 6 Children
10 / 5 / 6 / 3 / 8
Red Hair - Hard Worker / Carismatic
Download Albedo
Romance / Fortune
Become a Celebirty Chef
10 / 2 / 10 / 3 / 6
Formal Wear - Great Cook / Blonde Hair
Download Chaos
Family / Fortune
Have 6 Grandchildren
6 / 2 / 10 / 7 / 10
Cologne - Undies / Full Face Makeup
Download Rubedo (aka my favorite)
Knowledge / Grilled Cheese
Become Education Minister
5 / 4 / 10 / 5 / 10
Undies - Athletic / Formal Wear
Download Gaignun
Family / Popularity
Become The Law
9 / 5 / 10 / 4 / 7
Blonde Hair - Great Cook / Logical
Download And that concludes all the actual challenge children!
Yup, after I finished producing all 60 kids, I went back to grow them up and be nice to the "drones". Since I made Ren a family Sim, he wanted to get married and have more kids (10 of them), so since I could do whatever I wanted according to the rules, I decided to let him marry a townie. The townie's name was Calista and she was a game generated one, not a PT one, but he had like 3 bolts with her sooo whatever. I give you those kids as well!!
(Yup, it was raining and I was impatient, sue me)
Sinbad (aka Mr. Sexy)
Popularity / Family
Become a Rock God
2 / 7 / 6 / 3 / 8
Makeup - Hats / Red hair
Download Calypso
Romance / Fortune
Become a Hall of Famer
6 / 10 / 6 / 3 / 5
Glasses - Blonde Hair / Black Hair
Download Eris
Fortune / Knowledge
Become hand of Posideon
9 / 3 / 10 / 4 / 9
Undies - Black Hair / Charismatic
Download Kale
Popularity / Knowledge
Become General
10 / 2 / 9 / 3 / 1
Glasses - Hats / Logical
Download Rat
Family / Romance
Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens
6 / 2 / 6 / 3 / 8
Full Face Makeup - Great Cook / Formal Wear
Download The triplets (Eris, Kale & Rat) have, um, interesting features...needless to say they got more their mom then anything. But I'm sure someone out there will want them and love them. I hope... I mean I love Rat, he's got this geeky, lives in his mother's basement, crazy cat guy sort of look to him.
Oh, but wait!!!! There's still more!
Yeah, I'm not even joking...In the end, Ren got abducted and popped out one more kid, for 12 all together. So, here's a bonus alien for you!
Lwaxana Florence
Family / Romance
Become a Hall of Famer
10 / 10 / 10 / 1 / 2
Fat - Glasses / Cologne
Download And that's it!
No, seriously this time!
For future updates I will do the same thing, any extra kids that come when growing them up (cause I play them through), I will put up as well, which ones will have extras will depend on the men and what they roll for wants and such. Anyways, until next time! I leave you with Ren's part of the family tree!
Sorry guys I put up the wrong files, it's fixed now, so they are all complete! Sorry about that, headaches do funny things to the Zombii!
If I screwed up anything else, let me know...other then misspelling Eris in the file -_-