aye wus been qood pplz? well ive been here chiLlen.. havent had alot of time to update.. [(
]) afta schOol i walked w. mackenzie we went ta burqer kinq.. met uph with lee.. then we walked to my house and lee came tO realize he left hiz bookbaq @ burqer kinq.. lol .. shocked face.. then he left.. me nd` mackenzie went tO michellez. then the 3 of us walked to albie`s house buht he wuznt hOme so we juz walked arOund.. then we went baq to michie`z.. nd` then alOt of ppl shOwed uph lol.. then i left around 7..brett came over so i jus chylled w. him nd mii brother.. then at like 9 andrew and anthony stopped by.. i made michelle come outsiide lol.. then anthony claimed we did sumthinq i heard?? wow wat a lozer..buht the quy rlly thinks im a hoe.. he pulled out money for cryin out lOud.. LOSER [(
)] schOol wus hokay.. then afta schoOl me nd michelle went to my house.. had sumtin ta eatt.. then mii brOther took uz to the pinez softball qame.. yea she likes sum quys on the team lmao.. at firzt my brother wuz taken us to ppo.. hez so fuckin dumb.. then we qot to the field and all thoze uqly Older quys came over to us and started talkin.. lol michelle kept punchinq that meqa uqly guy on tha bike lol..paul hit a hOme run.. lol.. if only ivis were there =/.. then we left @ 6 cuz i had to qo to practiice.. practice wus borinq and tirinq az usual.. i saw mii qurl keisha there frm 4th hr lol.. random..then i qot home.. beqqed my mOm to let me stay home today.. but the biitch she iz she said nOo.. i tried to skip Once but it nevr qoes well.. lol.. tOday wus so-so. i tOld thiz kid in my 5th hr i had a 9 iinch dick so he`'d stop talkin .. LOL.. mackenzie.. well desiree wuz suppozed to qet in a fiqht or sumthin today wit thiz hoe ashley.. shez like rlly retarded.. nd shez easy as fuck.. nd ugly.. --SPITS-- lol.. she said she did sumthin w. jorge.. desiree`z LOVE.. aah fuck that qirl.. but i thiink desiree cleared it uph.. stephanie qoes out w. dariel nOw.. no more mrs. quack lol.. iim still sinqle!!.. muhaha! lol.. im qona qo cuz im hunqry nd i needa eat like the mizz piqqy i aMm -->
laDii elmOo