Aug 01, 2009 16:25
I remember a time when everything wasn't a big deal... Or so we thought. I remember a time when life was all video games and movies, but that ended quickly. I remember a time when friends was a person that you met and thought was cool... Yet that concept has changed too. Life changes and yet we all still remember a time when it was all no big deal, where time was slow and sometimes just stood still. I wish I had that again, I'd take advantage of it and show my true colors. Today I show my true colors and I lose all of the friends I have. Days speed by and yet I barely remember the next. All I seem to remember is my name and a few great things that have happened in my life and one is still in it today. Thank you Carolyn for always being by my side. I remember a time when everything was ok to talk about and everyone was single, and now everyone is getting married and nothing can be kept secret.
What do you remember people? Do you remember who you are or who you were? Do you remember the people in your lives and what you did with them? Think about the things you do and how you do them because if you don't you'll end up alone... like me... All I wanted to do is be there for others but it ruined me. It destroyed me, and now I don't know what I want in life or what I want to do. Remember to always be happy and smile at everything in life because one day it'll all end and all you have are... MEMORIES.