Sep 01, 2006 15:52
Today is the first football game.
I can hear your groans or your squeals of excitement over the computer, you know.
However, despite this being the first football game, I'm not groaning. But I'm not yelling, yet, either. I'm pretty unsure of how to feel about it. Last year, the football games were, overall, pretty fun. I mean, the ones toward the end of the season were torture, and the ones at the beginning weren't too fun. But you have to admit, that once it's all said and done, marching band season was great.
It's just while you're participating in it that you have doubts.
Our first four or five games are home games, meaning we have to do the pregame. This may seem totally unpatriotic and awful, but I hate playing the National Anthem. Seriously, there is not a more annoying song to sing or play. No longer do I get chills when I hear it-- more like annoyance creeping up my neck. And then after the National Anthem, we play the Alma Mater, which is better, but still pretty bad. It moves so slow, and no one knows the words to it, anyway.
One day, Courtney (drum major) got the Alma Mater going a little too fast, and according to some inside scoop info, she got reprieved for it.
COME ON! The song sucks enough as it is; the least we could do is add a little pizzazz.
After the Alma Mater is Gold & White, and I hate that song beyond all reasoning. Less than I hate the Star Spangled Banner, though. But Gold & White is full of all sorts of sharps and naturals and then back to sharps and more naturals, and there's even a flat thrown here and there for good measure. It's torturous.
And now, as I think about the football game, I'm worried about our formations. Usually, we come onto the field a certain way, but we didn't practice that the entire time at band camp. Last night, there was a practice (which I skipped, and I'm blaming it on an "unexpected family emergency," which isn't a total lie), and I'm worried we practiced going onto the field the way that we never practiced in band.
Oh, well. I care, but not enough to get stressed out.
Marching band is a part of band, which is a part of a credit and everything, but it feels more fun than an actual class. Band is band. I love it.
Yay for posts without a point.