Well, it's official. I'm headed to Ohio sometime mid-April for 8 - 10 weeks. I'm going there to visit my family (half-sister and my nephews) and also to go to school.
http://www.recw.com That's the site for the school. It's a trade school, but it's very acclaimed, lots of recognition, that sort of thing. Once I get that certification, I'll be one step closer to film success! BWAHAHA (insert positive thoughts here)
Ahh...I'm sure everything will work out. I never thought I'd be going to a trade school...but I weighed out all the options. Working in New York/LA/London in some recording studio/film set/live sound venue/radio station while going to school at NYC/UCLA/SJSU what have you is much better than slogging away at some food service hut or retail while trying to maintain good GPA in school for Financial Aid and paying all the bills on minimum wage salary. Blah...I hope that made sense. Not a lot is making sense right now.
There's so much I have to do...have to know. So much still out there for me to discover...and here I am...just sitting here. When will I catch up with life?