May 04, 2006 00:51
Today I finished sophomore year; preetty insane.
Here's a day well lived:
-Sight and Sound film showcase, 30 16mm films out of which at least half were very good.
-20 Oz Strawberry Daquiri at BBQ with the people from my class
-Interview in Spanish about my medical history for a friend's "nursing in Spanish" class
-A little weed and a little America's Next Top Model with Noam
-Yeah Yeah Yeahs concert in Roseland Ballroom
-Dinner at the classically hilarious "Ellen's Stardust Diner" where aspiring musical theater actors sing while serving...histericaaly pathetic. *must take Noam and Adler kids there someday*
-Walk around the much dreaded Times Square during an empty, foggy night (touristy pictures included)
-Watch shopping at the Swatch Store
-Smooth tranride back home
I feel really good about my plans for this summer. Seems like they could take me somewhere or at least do something real for me.
Seems like it'll be a lotta world cup, filming shorts, working on my doc, interning with other people, beach, tanning, redoing my bedroom, having friends from NYU who are staying in NY for the summer come visit...etcetcetc
In other news, today I realized the people I thought would save me and be my friends all this year have dissapeared and been replaced with a crowd of beautiful people that I'm gonna miss by going abroad. I'll send postcards.
(If you're interested in finding out what's going on in Puerto Rico and why the country's falling apart let me know and I'll explain it)