Apr 04, 2006 23:46
10 things I should or should've written posts about if I wasn't so lazy:
1. I got in to Prague for the fall semester!!! woooooooohooooooo I get to escape this city and this life and get lost in unknown lands...!! I'm planning on moving there a couple of weeks before classes start so I can go to Germany and Poland, and in doing that, finally visit Auschwitz...
2. There's a movie coming out about 9/11...the trailer looks weird and Michael Bay-ish and the film was approved by all the families of the people who were on the united flight #93 (whichever one that is...)...this probably means we're gonna have to sustain a month or two of commercials, controversy, larry king live interviews and bad film discussion. I don't think I'll watch it. I hate overhyped movies.
3. My mom's coming to visit on friday!!! FUCK YES. You know what that means???? That means 10 days of lovin', gifts, touristy stuff, eating real food, getting someone else to pay for my groceries and also getting them to take away boxes of my shit so I can start moving. Already scheduled activities: Gospel in Harlem, two film shoots assisted by my mom and a BMW SUV, finally going to the BODIES exhibit, a Mets game, Threepenny Opera, going out for dinner a bunch of times and getting clothes for ME!
4. I'm officially sick and tired of this semester and absolutely ready to go home. I'm counting the days and itching to leave. Every day I look at my shit and feel an urge to start packing. I've thought more about the projects i wanna work on this summer than the shit I still have to do this semester for classes.
5. I got the Cannes Festival Internship but decided not to go. Maybe next year, I donno...it's a lotta money for a line in your resume. I rather save the money and try to get a good film camera this summer...
6. Immigrants Protesting!!!! There's gonna be a big rally this next monday in City Hall around 3pm...a group is gonna be meeting in Union Square around 2/2:30 and walking down there...all of you claim to be children of immigrants, so move your asses and come to the rally...it's important.
7. I wanna state this loud and clear so that no one claims to have been excluded later on: you are ALL invited to come to Puerto Rico this summer... HONESTLY. I'm gonna be spending most of the 4 months at home, working and filming and partying and I would LOVE for any of you to come down and hang out... I'm an awesome tourist guide so I promise you won't feel dissapointed
8. I saw a guy sitting on the sidewalk right next to IFC playing guitar with a sign that said: "Sith killed my family, need $ 4 light saber"
9. I want my parents to meet all my NYU friends so they're taking us all out for drinks...you guys are all invited...it'll be not this saturday but the next, i'll give you guys the details later...it'd be cool to hang out and get drunk w my parents and sort of start celebrating the end of classes so I hope you guys come
10. I realized after #6 that I really didn't have that much to say. I ran out of announcements. I'm out.
Oh shit! Not true! I'm working at ticketcentral, I can't remember if I posted this before...If you guys want tickets for anything let me know...