Tales of the Uncanny! Secret Project Revealed!!

Apr 15, 2010 21:05

Post-MoCCA update coming soon! Before that though, there's something quick that I should post about first! Remember the secret project that I've hinted at a few times over the past couple of months? Well as of a week ago the secret's out!

Legendary cartoonist Steve Bissette (creator of "Tyrant," penciller for Alan Moore's run on "Swamp Thing," and all-around awesome guy) has been working over the past few months to put together a publication featuring the characters he owns from Image's 1963 mini series. Steve's "Tales of the Uncanny" is going to serve as a faux-retrospective on N-Man, The Hypernaut, The Fury and Sky Solo, as well as "Naut Comics," the fictitious company that originally "published" the characters. And I'm one of the artists who helped work on it! Steve's been blogging about it all week, so you can check out his website to find out more. My own contribution was the pencils for a vintage N-Man story that Steve's going to be inking himself, featuring N-Man fighting Draculex, a space vampire out to steal his girlfriend!

Oh man, things are looking rough for N-Man! Again, Steve has more details on Draculex and his space vampire origins at his site, so be sure to check that out too! Check Steve's website and, you know, the internet in general for more news. Meanwhile, I'll try to keep everyone updated on the release date and all that as it gets unveiled.
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