So I got back from SPX and post-SPX adventures a couple of days ago, but am only now finding time to post about it, possibly due to me being a bum. I hope that my tardiness in posting does nothing, however, to detract from my attempt to convey how incredibly dang awesome the show was.
Where did all these beautiful books come from? (not pictured: extremely large crowd of people swarming through the convention hall)
I got to meet and trade books with a bunch of really awesome people, some of whose work I'd read previously and some who I hadn't and am really looking forward to reading more of. Got to talk shop with folks, got to sell some things, got to party late into the night with some really rad fellow cartoonists. And got to see friends
Cat Garza and
Colleen Frakes both win
Ignatzes! Super exciting!
This was my first SPX, but damn if it didn't leave an impression. More than anything the vibe of the whole weekend was just so amazing, just full of positiveness and excitement. But of course, most important of all is having the opportunity to show off all the amazing swag I managed to buy/trade for now that the show is over. :)
Looking forward to next year.
Edit: Also! Comics critic Rob Clough (who I actually met at the show and who turned out to be a really nice guy) has recently posted a
lengthy article on his blog summarizing his impressions of the show, which I really enjoyed reading because I am a nerd for comics.