(no subject)

Mar 25, 2007 15:53

Yamamoto sighs lightly and leans against the wall in Tsuna's kitchen. He'd come over for another of their study groups, but studying had been long forgotten in favor of the new 'toys', Lambo had gotten from home. Yamamoto was really impressed with how advanced the toys these days had gotten -- especially the foreign ones! This one had taken out the entire window and part of the bed. Simply amazing.

Ordinarily he would've stayed around to help with the excitment that was sure to come. (Gokudera had looked furious when he left the room.) But he really did need to finish studying. There was a big test coming up, and he needed to pass if he wanted his spot on the baseball team to stay secure.

And so he sat in the kitchen now, trying not to think too hard about what the cookies Bianchi was shaping would do to whoever ate them. It was a little sad, he thought. She must want to be a chef very badly if she keeps cooking so much, but it always turned out like that . . .

He steals another look at her from over the top of his book. She's sprinkling on something that looks like colored sugar before she turns to put them in the oven. They really do look like good cookies right now. Other than the odd flecks of gray-green spotting them, that is.

She looks his way, and he looks back at the book hurriedly. Neither of them say anything.

The next few minutes pass in that silence. She's smiling for a reason he can't quite grasp. It must have something to do with Reborn of course. She's always so happy to see that little guy. He thinks it's a little weird to smile like that for someone who isn't around though -- Reborn's spent the whole day playing with Tsuna after all.

Yamamoto's pulled from his thoughts when Bianchi suddenly sets a few cookies down next to him. She still doesn't say anything, only flashes a smile and leaves the room. He can hear her hurrying up the stairs to Tsuna's room, looking for Reborn of course. A few moments later and he can hear Gokudera's cry of terror and the telltale thud of him hitting the floor. What a weird guy.

He laughs a little and looks at the cookies again. The gray-green flecks are more blue in color now, and something is off about the way they smell. A little bit like almonds . . . But it would be very rude to turn down a gift from a girl, he thinks. Hesitantly, he bites into a cookie.

He's very lucky the ambulance knows the way to Tsuna's house so well.

fic: reborn

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