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hmmmm, im gunna get these wrong but thats ok cause ya luv me n e wayz ; D xsecretsorrowx August 10 2004, 09:03:36 UTC
01. who are you, what's our relationship: I is a strange alien from the summit of Mount wannahockaloogie!
02. how and where did we meet: through taylor, in a bar in ohio?...yes..no?
03. what's my middle name:your middle name is.......LJSYFLYSFLYSGBCKBD (its russian)
04. how long have you known me: uhhhhhhhhhhhh.....near a year> ish...i dunno, not to long but long enough
05. tell me one good thing about myself:your very purdy
06. when you first saw me what was your impression:omg this girl is nuts!! i mean.....very nice...
07. my age: uhhhhhh......age doesnt matter?
08. birthday:uhhhhh....lol...birthdays dont matter?...heh heh
09. my favorite band at the moment: *cough*meep*cough*
10. colour eyes:arent they like brown?..lol i havent looked into them in a while...lol
11. do i have any siblings:hey i know this one!!!! its false!!! i mean....yes!
12. have you ever had a crush on me: heh heh : D ....does now count?
13. what's one of my favorite things to do: dye your hair color not found in nature?
14. do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you: uhhhhhh hi? (just a thought)
15. describe me in 3 words:heh heh....funny, nice, and unique
16. name 5 things i love: me,me,me,me,me....oh wait they had to be correct?....
17. do you think i'm good looking:uhhh.... hmmmmm....possibly : D
18. how would you describe me to someone:see # 15....
19. would you ever date me:yes sirre bob (i think i spelled sirre wrong bu oh well)
20. tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did: i think your really really really really really really really really (is that enough?) cute muhahahahahhahahha MEEP
21: what do you like most about me: tha fact that you dont care wht anybody thinks about you?...i think...
22: if we could spend a day together what would we do: well..... ; ) (<-- thats a wink heh heh)
23: have we ever gotten in a fight:i dun fink so
24: do you think we will be friends for at least 3 or 4 more years: sure
25. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it: oh geez...i'll get back to you on that.....
26. What do you think my weakness is? uhhh....see #25
27. Do you think I'll get married? who knows...
28. What makes me happy? food?....
29. What makes me sad?....uhhhh.....people
30. What reminds you of me?....diet coke! hey i drank you yesterday! heh heh
31. If you could give me anything what would it be? a cupcake...cause they are gooooooooooood
32. When's the last time you saw me?well i talked to you sunday....
33. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? uhhhh i hope its stronger
34. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? hmmmm yeah
35. Are you going to put this on your livejournal and see what I say about you? yupperz
36. If I was an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why? chocolate chip cookcie dough cause its my favorite....
37. What song (if any) reminds you of me? "head sholders knees and toes..." dont ask....
38. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be? nufin
39. Would you make a move on me? thats a good one....sure y not
40. Do I cross your mind at least 1 time a day? of course...more than once

woah....thats it? i thought would be more?......
Im out like a fat kid in dodgeball ~*~Breeze~*~


Re: hmmmm, im gunna get these wrong but thats ok cause ya luv me n e wayz ; D tastesl1kegeek4 August 13 2004, 08:34:08 UTC
Oh man Im getting hit on aren't I? haha thats so great. Im 14 as of February 18th...lynne....Taking back sunday. Im just filling in wut you erm got wrong? can you get these questions wrong? I have no idea. okay im confusing myself. *burp* okay all better. uh. dark brown i have two sisters..

uh i think thats it. idk i cant really see this laptop is being mean.

`pink panther


Re: hmmmm, im gunna get these wrong but thats ok cause ya luv me n e wayz ; D f0ry0ureyes0nly August 14 2004, 13:47:30 UTC
hehehehehehehe ::smirk::.....no comment


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