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bartender_tim November 22 2008, 09:00:01 UTC
You take your Sagely duties pretty seriously, eh?


tastes_of_honey November 22 2008, 09:05:13 UTC
I have knowledge, and it'd be a shame not to share it. So many people need to be schooled.


bartender_tim November 22 2008, 09:12:07 UTC
It sounds like less schooling and more you talking about yourself at length, but I guess that's your prerogative.


tastes_of_honey November 22 2008, 09:17:20 UTC
Indeed it is. The wonderful thing about having your own journal is that you can talk about yourself as much as you want. And people can choose whether to read it or not.


bartender_tim November 22 2008, 09:34:30 UTC
Getting a little meta in here, ain't it?

Not here, Schu-bear. Out There. In the Nexus. People ask for it, you know? It's one o' those newfangled trends the young whippersnappers have come up with, using the place as a polling zone as much as an advice column.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Inform us of The Great and Many Wonders of Schuldig! Somebody has to, or we would never know.


tastes_of_honey November 22 2008, 09:46:39 UTC
One of the perils of hanging with telepaths. We have an unusual perspective on things.

People gotta socialize. Maybe there's some educational component sometimes. Maybe they're bored. It's better than nothing happening.

Just like you said. If you don't live loud a lot of people think you're invisible.


bartender_tim November 22 2008, 10:13:10 UTC
There's always something happening here. It's just a matter of knowing where to find it. Kids these days just expect the entertainment to waltz right in and do a little dance on their head. Why, I remember when we had to walk five miles, uphill, through the snow, both ways, through five universes to ask a question at the Sign...

Sometimes it does, of course, but that's not the point.


tastes_of_honey November 22 2008, 10:17:42 UTC
I blame video games. ::smirk::

Now when people first arrive here they're immediately directed to the PINpoints. When I first showed up those were harder to get and a lot of people were stuck in the Nexus.

Rosenkreuz and Eszett spent so many years trying to negate my existence as a person instead of just a weapon that I developed a healthy ego as self-defense. Now it's just who I am.


bartender_tim November 22 2008, 10:29:42 UTC
If you think that was bad, you should have been around before, when there weren't any and people had to rely on the portals. Talk about entertainment...

Oh, I bet. Ego on, baby.


tastes_of_honey November 22 2008, 10:36:14 UTC
Portals like me, so that wasn't a problem. A guy I know here was trapped for weeks before he found a Portal that led him home.


bartender_tim November 22 2008, 11:06:57 UTC
Eh, a little Nexus crazy is good for a person. Some people wouldn't even have given it a chance if they hadn't been forced to.


tastes_of_honey November 22 2008, 11:09:54 UTC
Some people are always more flexible than others.

Some of the people who just wanted to get the hell out of here were amusing for it. You needed more ingenuity and street smarts once.

I miss some of the old regulars who never show up anymore.


bartender_tim November 22 2008, 11:18:19 UTC
Yeah, well, you know what they say about change.

People have gotten complacent, dontcha think? Boy, would they be screwed if the PINpoints stopped working.


tastes_of_honey November 22 2008, 12:14:22 UTC
Hmm. Are you thinking aloud or foretelling the future?


bartender_tim November 23 2008, 00:03:31 UTC
Do I look like an oracle to you? Pfff.

Just sayin' it could happen.


tastes_of_honey November 23 2008, 00:06:07 UTC
Oracles aren't always obvious, and some "oracles" are people who make the future for themselves.



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