Now I Know I Want to Kill You Like Only a Best Friend Could

Sep 29, 2008 01:56

"I don’t care what you think,
As long as it’s about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery"
-- "I Don't Care" by Fall Out Boy


"Back in school they never taught us what we needed to know,
Like how to deal with despair, or someone breaking your heart."
-- "Seventy Times 7" by Brand New

nsfw, nagi, red, brad, sex scene, lyrics, farfarello

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killwithmymind September 29 2008, 06:52:55 UTC
"Is this new emo or old emo?"


tastes_of_honey September 29 2008, 07:11:37 UTC
Oldish emo ramped to new heights. Maybe I should have "When you gonna learn" tattooed on my body.


killwithmymind September 29 2008, 07:14:50 UTC
"Only if you can find magic Nexus ink that lets your tattoo change colors or something. Do you need ice cream, sex or violence?"


tastes_of_honey September 29 2008, 07:32:37 UTC
It's a nice idea but I'd probably get bored of whatever it was anyway. And I need all three.


killwithmymind September 29 2008, 07:34:27 UTC
"Okay... Should we do ice cream first or violence first?"


tastes_of_honey September 29 2008, 07:43:34 UTC
Ice cream first. Violence excites me too much for me to settle down to savor food.


killwithmymind September 29 2008, 07:49:28 UTC
"Okay. You have a place in mind or should I pick one?" Nagi knows where he'll pick, so he's already thinking about violence. ...does Schu still have that tiger? That could be fun.


tastes_of_honey September 29 2008, 08:04:26 UTC
I don't have any place in mind, so pick one. ::Schu still has Fluffy and visits him sometimes.::


killwithmymind September 29 2008, 08:06:49 UTC
"Mkay." Nagi takes Schu's hand in an absent gesture as he fires up the PINpoint with the other hand.

The icecream place that Nagi chooses literally has over a hundred flavors. YUM.


tastes_of_honey September 29 2008, 08:13:35 UTC
::The problem with being this upset is that it's harder to figure out his own preferences, not even whether he wants a sundae or ice cream on a cone. He'll need some time.::


killwithmymind September 29 2008, 08:20:04 UTC
Nagi points at a picture of a 30 scoop sundae. "Do you wanna split that?" It's too much for Nagi alone, but between his appetite and Schu's.... maybe?


tastes_of_honey September 29 2008, 08:22:56 UTC
Sounds doable. Possibly. It's worth a shot. ::He might be too full for sex or violence afterward, though. Oh hell, maybe the ice cream will be enough.::


killwithmymind September 29 2008, 08:34:20 UTC
They can always sleep off the sugar and have sex and violence after a nap!

Nagi grins and orders. And ignores the server's protest that two people couldn't possibly eat that much. The glorious mound of icecream will be brought to them in a few minutes.

"Schu? You wanna pick a table?"


tastes_of_honey September 30 2008, 01:24:57 UTC
::The server obviously has no experience with people like them. Schu chooses a table in a corner that would put two walls at their back and give them a view of the door.:: Nice?


killwithmymind September 30 2008, 02:38:35 UTC
"Yeah." Flop!

"Have you had much work lately?"


tastes_of_honey September 30 2008, 02:49:55 UTC
::flop!:: Lots. Places to go, people to end. I haven't lacked for things to keep me busy.


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