The Perils of Procrastination

Aug 04, 2008 00:46

Brody got me a heartfelt plastic present. No, not that. I wear it often. Kaa asked who in the Nexus is psychic, and I answered. It's not like I keep it a secret. Nagi had birthday prezzies for all the guy Ayas in the Nexus, and almost all were stunned by it. beyond_regret had trouble with her own Aya after his birthday and thus asked for help in dealing with him. Nagi is still procrastinating on that job offer. Farfarello asked a question to try to get people to consent to him attacking them.

Since I know a precog intimately *ahem* I had to offer wisdom to Tru Davies' question. Ditto to Harry Feynman. Rukia wondered whether a Nexus dating service would be a good or terrible idea. Good elves can sometimes give me a weird sparkly high. I managed to annoy hitobashira while barely trying. Captain Hammer had lots of ego. Agrias asked if it's common to make friends from other worlds. Bad Penny asked for advice.

just_a_murder is trying to be more social. Like here, here, and here. He also caught up with Kaa a bit. He had a talk with Nagi and was roped into helping Ran-chan help Mio find an apartment. I even roped him into some speed dating. I got some myself.

I was there when Brody needed someone to talk to. ((Schu also tackled Brody's atrocious eating habits for the umpteenth time again and again. Poor masochistic telepath. Though sometimes Brody feeds Schu.)) I vehemently disagreed with the actor he chose to depict me in the musical movie of his life. I mean, Chuck Norris? Brody got me to do another meme and inspired me to take what turned out to be a terrifyingly accurate personality quiz. I offered Brody a permanent cure for hangovers. Brody asked about cutting people out of your life and puppy names.

(( Hwang recreated Töt out of being a moron, and the new Töt is super powerful. Hwang didn't expect feline_casanova to be home, and now he knows about Töt and has a panic button. More developments between Gojyo and the partially amnesiac Hakkai, and Nagi had a meaningful talk with Hakkai. Nagi went shopping with feline_casanova and helped him get horrifying home decor. Goku unexpectedly showed up at Gojyo and Hakkai's doorstep. Ukoku met up with Koumyou and Ran-chan at the temple. feline_casanova had a cheery conversation with Toki. Aya-chan asked for advice on getaway locations. Nagi offered his "sympathies" to Tim. Aya had some important matters to take up with Yotan, then they had sex, as they do. ((NSFW))))

mio hongo, kaa, nagi, sister, brody, gojyo, brad, aya, toki, yohji, aya-chan, farfarello

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