Jun 14, 2008 02:57

From campjesus, as usual:

Here are the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.

From campjesus:

1. describe your perfect day
Sleeping in, followed by a rousing and successful hunt of somebody or somebodies who could really use a good termination. After that I would go to a lavish hotel room for a long, decadent hot bath with a hot attendant. He--it would probably be a he--would then towel me dry and carefully brush my hair. Most people don't know how wonderful a good hairbrushing by someone who cares for you is, the way this person is utterly focused on you.... Then lazing on the bed eating an excellent dinner with my lust object, ending with us feeding each other dessert and hot and imaginative sex until we tire each other out and I go to sleep snuggling up to my lover.

There would be breakfast, lunch, and snacking throughout the day, but the dinner would be the big thing.

2. if you had to marry someone right this second who would it be?
I'm not really the marrying kind, but I guess Brad. We're kind of like an old married couple in a lot of ways, and I know he doesn't care whether I'm monogamous as long as I practice safe sex.

3. what makes you happiest?
Lots of things. Shit. I dunno. Success. Being pampered. People loving and needing me. The downfall and utter humiliation of people I hate. It's hard to choose.

4. where do you want to be in 5 years?
Alive, working, surrounded by people who interest me. I would love to fall in love with someone trustworthy who loves me back. Aside from the last thing, I pretty much have what I want now.

5. do you think people should be honest or are little white lies ok? that's kind of a weird question, bear with me :P
Honesty can be so entertaining at times. Little white lies can be a social necessity, because the truth isn't always pretty or harmless and can start a lot of fights. I've hurt a lot of people just by telling them the unvarnished truth.

From man_of_means:

1. How strong is your telepathy?
Compared to what? It gets the job done. I could scope out an entire large city and filter to get individual voices. Power is important but finesse is essential. If you could hear people on different continents but can't control it, block it, and narrow it down you're screwed.

2. Are there barriers that screw up telepathy?
Sure. Some people can develop very good mental blocks. Brad's foresight makes him harder to read, and certain kind of crazy are difficult to follow. I hear some realities have machines that can do it.

3. What does a crazy person's head look like?
Depends on the crazy. Is it hallucinations, wrong thoughts, compulsions? Some crazy people have such a uniquely different worldview that reading them is almost useless because it would take a very long time listening to understand them. Crazy people can make me crazy too, because sometimes I lose track.

4. Met any interesting people lately?
Sure. Especially lately. Nexus Spin the Bottle worked nicely.

5. Ever felt inconsequential because there were so many versions of you most likely floating around?
Pft! I've yet to meet a Schuldig who could hold a candle to me, and I've met many.

From wireboundheart:

1. When is your birthday?
I don't know my actual birthdate, so I tend to celebrate my birthday through all of August.

2. What's the coolest thing about being a telepath?
Being able to "talk" with my mouth full. Oh, and sharing sensations during sex. That's damned addictive. Once you get a really good feedback loop going everything feels incredible and just gets better and better.

3. What is the most important item in your wardrobe?
My gun. The healing bracelet Nagi gave me. It's practical and meaningful.

4. What skill, ability, or knowledge do you wish you had?
Controllable telekinesis. It's so useful.

5. Do you have any ideas about what I can give my boyfriend for his birthday? I'm kind of stumped this year.
Crap, that's hard. Your boyfriend isn't a things guy. Though I know that ring you gave him was a huge deal to him. Wow. I don't know.

anson, mio hongo, greed, nagi, meme, brody, london aya, brad, aya, yohji

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