Interlude: Unlocked

Jun 09, 2008 14:36

Schu felt the kitten arrive at the door. Finally. “Come in, Aya. It’s unlocked.”

Aya walked in and changed from his shoes into “his” house slippers. “Expecting me?”

“I thought you’d show up before this. We reunited you with your sister after all.”

“Why did you do that?”

“Somebody had to. You’re stubborn enough to avoid seeing your sister forever.”

“What do you expect in return?”

Schu smiled his most charming smile. “Nothing. I did it for my personal satisfaction.”

“You’re not expecting sex out of it?”

“You’ve been the one throwing himself at me lately.”

Aya looked angry and confused, a particularly volatile mix for him. “So what are you waiting for?”

“You know.”

“I’m not tossing Ken aside for you.”

“Yes, why would you want to get out of a relationship that makes you feel so unhappy and guilty? Poor Ken, who looks at you with big puppy eyes as he says it’s all right if you don’t love him back. He doesn’t realize part of the reason you’re such a mismatch is that Fujimiya Aya is supposed to be the one martyring himself in his relationships.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t I? Wasn’t that your relationship with Yohji? He loved you as best as a man so self-centered possibly could, while you sacrificed. He used you for sex and to increase his guilt load, and you’re still saving yourself for him now. It’s not like that amnesiac spares a thought for you, his lost lover, while he’s fucking his wife.”

“Enough.” Holding his wrists, Aya had him pinned against a wall. Schu could have moved to avoid it if he’d wanted to, but he hadn’t wanted to. Skin to skin, he could better taste Aya’s potent cocktail of rage, guilt, and hate. What a high. “You’re... getting off on this.”

“You know I’m right.”

Aya unwillingly agreed with much of what Schu had said but replied, “I hate you.”

“No, you don’t. I’m one of the few people in your life who will tell you the truth. When I manipulate you I’m open about it. I’m not going to try to guilt you into loving me or killing for me.”

As Aya’s grip on his wrists tightened, Schu could feel Aya’s small telepathy brush over him, searching. Aroused, Schu let it and quivered at how it felt like fur getting brushed over his skin.

“What you feel for me is the closest thing to love you can experience, isn’t it?” Aya asked.

Bristling, Schu answered, “I can love. Have loved. You’re not that special.”

“Hnh.” Aya pressed closer then stopped. “What the hell happened to your neck? It looks like you’ve been marked up by at least two different mouths. The small one is probably Nagi.... Are you the town bicycle?”

“I’m irresistible,” Schu snapped. There had been three: Red Farfarello, Nagi, and Zillah.

Aya pressed on one of the marks with his lips and smirked as Schu made a sound and flinched. “You should try to resist once in a while.” Aya amused at his expense wasn’t tasty at all.

“We can’t all have mostly monogamous pity sex relationships with Siberian.”

“Hnh.” It came out, surprisingly, as more of a laugh. “I’m not going to do anything to you while you’re wounded.”

“I wasn’t going to let you do anything to me anyway.” Which was a lie, but Schu felt virtuous about it.

“Of course.” Aya’s mood turned a little more respectful. “Thank you for getting me in contact with my sister. I want to do something to show my gratitude to you and Nagi.”

“I’ll think of something.” Nagi would probably want a threesome.

“I have to approve of it. I won’t just do anything you tell me to.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Aya could be so annoying. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop Schu’s fascination with him.

nagi, london aya, interlude

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