Shouldn't Treat Me Like a Stranger

Mar 07, 2008 18:36

wireboundheart asked for suggestions on what he could do on his vacation. I managed to keep myself from answering, but Aya-kun came over to help him. Nagi seems to be trying to keep feline_casanova from self-destructing.

Reno and Rufus Shinra asked a question. This may be the least annoying Reno I've met yet. After Lavender Brown asked an unusual question, hilarity ensued. The Daleks for Jesus started a song LOL. Giles asked for technical help on vocations. Sylar is cruising the Nexus again. Brody did a meme. When the Kuchisake-onna showed up, hilarity ensued again. Detective Kowalski asked if romance in the workplace is worth a try. Mantis asked whether it's best to get a mentor to help you hone your abilities or figure them out on your own, and most of the Nexus, me included answered, "Both."

(( A Brad Crawford showed up at dear_mun.))

I haven't been feeling that things were going right with Red recently, so I told him I wasn't doing any more freebie religious mayhem for him. He got kinda violent in response, which made me even less inclined. We fought like only Schwarz can fight, and I told him I didn't feel like being used and I didn't know if I wanted to come back before I left via Portal. I damned well deserve better. Once I cool down some and let some time pass, I may return once to see if my protests made a dent, but if they haven't I'm done with him. I won't repeat old mistakes.

nagi, brody, yohji, red, farfarello, aya

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