Interlude: Debris

Oct 20, 2007 19:12

Brad's voice in Schuldig's head interrupted an enjoyable round of shooting people. ::Schuldig, the building is going to come down around us!::

They were in the basement, and Schu's memory of the layout and telepathic scan told him that none of them were even near a stairwell that would lead them close to a way out. He heard an explosion and felt everything start to rumble around him. There weren't any Portals close by, and Schu didn't have the time to yank one over. Why the hell hadn't Brad seen this before now? Chunks of the ceiling were coming down.... Schu ran to a doorway and took out a PINpoint and PMQ, but setting coordinates based on his telepathic impression of where Brad is, especially when Brad is moving quickly, is so difficult. He didn't have time for this shit! He PINpointed.

Brad, in the middle of a large room and a crowd of targets, was getting pelted badly by ceiling debris when Schu arrived, which meant Schuldig was too now. Schu grabbed him and PINpointed them to the preset location of his Nexus couch, then left him to return to the basement. Or try to. The PINpoint wouldn't let him arrive inside solid objects, so he got bounced to someplace outside what used to be the building, and he couldn't hear Farfarello's static anymore. There was an aching hollow where his link to Farfarello had been. For a while he stared at the pile of girders, chunks of stone, and flaming debris. Finally he returned to his couch to bring Brad back.

"I can't foresee anything out here!" Brad bitched as soon as Schuldig arrived.

"He's dead."


"Farfarello's dead. Considering what was left of the building, he's probably paste right now. He might need to be squeegeed up."

"How convenient. Maybe you didn't really try."

"I didn't have enough time. Would you be happier if I'd gone for him first and left you to die?"

"This works out too-- Schu?"

"Yeah, Brad?"

Brad stood and ran his hand gently along Schu's cheek. His hand came away wet. "Take us to my apartment."

"It hurts less here.... Never mind. I have to deal sometime." So many times he'd wanted Farfarello dead, and he reacted like this? Pathetic. So what if it had happened so quickly and unexpectedly?

Schu PINpointed them to the apartment. Their injuries didn't require more than cleaning up, antiseptic, and some stitches, though they'd have a lot of bruises. The murdered telepathic link hurt more. Schu's hands didn't shake at all as he sutured a cut above Brad's left eyebrow.

Brad dressed in clean clothes and kissed Schuldig's forehead before he went out to see if he could find out what the hell had happened and also claim Farfarello's body without causing much of a stir. Schu sat at the kitchen table in Brad's robe, smoking and occasionally sipping listlessly from a beer, and stared at the walls as he put himself back together.

schwarz, interlude, brad, farfarello

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