Let Chaos Reign

Jun 06, 2007 13:35

"Police, Protesters Clash Outside G-8 Summit." You wouldn't believe the high I have during all this. Sticking it to the Man the violent way while surrounding by likeminded souls is a powerful thing. Chancellor Merkin says violence isn't the way to go--she would, wouldn't she?--but what's the G8 the world remembers? Seattle. (And I was there for that, babies.) Without the violence, does the summit really get covered in any real way? Hell no.

I had no part in this, but I had to mention "Man tries to jump into pope's popemobile."

I'm still trying to keep up with stuff here while I'm out working for a living, though.

Nagi's taken a chick under his wing. ((NSFW in the violent way))

A weirdass Batman showed up to LOL people as he went. Hiro Nakamura's version of Batman that resulted from it was about as bizarre as you'd expect. ((At least being LOL'd into being Batman showed Nightwing how much it would suck to try being Batman, something he considered doing. He posted about his newfound greater understanding in dear_mun.)) An online quiz told Nightwing that his best superhero lover would be... himself. It is to laugh, nein? On a more serious note, he worried that agreeing with an enemy of his on something was a bad thing, when actually it's just a sign that he's openminded and evenhanded.

((OtherSchuldig, who'd gotten his mind badly injured doing something dumbassed, is now pretty much Nii's weapon. Ooops. It ties into the upcoming and slowly percolating War.))

Kaa's worried about how angry and stabbity he's been feeling toward a lot of people lately. The stabbity is fine as long as you don't let anger and angst own you. Meanwhile, Selene, who's been LOL'd into a deer, is worried that she'll mentally turn into a deer. She's so cute.

People, why would you volunteer to spin something called a Wheel of LOLality? Why? ((Maybe because the LOLs are funny?))

Dan Fielding asks, "What the hell is wrong with you people?!?!?!?!?!?" You'd think a guy who worked in a night court in New York City in the 80s would be unflappable. The laugh track is funny, though.

kaa, nagi, g8 summit, nightwing

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