Nexus Fauna

May 30, 2007 01:07

Nightwing is getting all thinkity again. I keep telling him to do what feels natural to him, but what feels natural to him seems to be conforming to other people's ideas. Gotham may not care whether its Dark Knight wears a cape and bat ears, but Dick seems to. Okay.

My text correspondence continues. It's interesting to watch myself aping another person's style even without the excuse of the pressure of his thinking influencing me. I suppose that I've associated being a chameleon with safety for so long that it extends even to writing. There were quite a few shrinks in the foundation of my personality, so I suppose that's enjoying the chance to come out as well. (( They also agree about certain denizens of the Nexus.))

Isamu found a ravenous couch in the Nexus by sitting on it and ending up inside it, dragging almost everyone around into it with him. These are the situations where I get myself some popcorn, watch, and laugh.

The third annual Nexus Awards are being voted on, and I don't know whether I should be flattered or offended that I wasn't considered ubiquitous, insane, or disturbing enough to be nominated for anything.

A familiar face asks what powers you'd like to have. And it has nothing to do with anyone's delicious brainmeats, no sir.

"Study: 38 Percent Of People Not Actually Entitled To Their Opinion." It's in The Onion, so it must be true! Though I think 38% is too low.

jonathan, nightwing

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