Doesn't Translate

Apr 06, 2007 17:33

I forgot to mention that after that dinner with Nagi in which we spoke of crushing our mutual enemies, I decided to entertain Schwarz with the Good Parts version of my Glühen DVD set that has the crackheaded subtitles. Thus we skipped the boring stuff and the boring wrong stuff in favor of the Wrong Bad Wrong stuff. Nagi says he'll have to try not to call Rex "Lakers" any time soon. I heckled Brad's Third Doctor outfit all over again. He heckled my outfit too even though he knows I don't mind at all. Farf nearly flipped his lid when he saw all the crosses the Billy Idol-esque version of him wore, though Brad said his mental projection hadn't looked quite that bad in actuality. We heckled Weiß any time they came on screen or opened their mouths.

Nagi's pleased because now, thanks to the insane subtitles, he has a new nickname for me. I told him he could call me "Shudibi" as long as I could call him "Nachi" back.

To my relief, Farfarello hasn't gotten much weirder since revealing he thinks he's part lightning god or whatever the hell and doesn't seem to be expecting much from me in response. He only laughed when I told him the other night that I was going out to a club because Mother Earth wanted me to prostitute myself at a temple of fleshly worship.

schwarz, nagi, brad, weiß, farfarello

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