
Apr 05, 2007 01:53

I'm a popular dinner guest these days, eating with Greed and with dream_departed and sinofsurviving. The dinner in my own reality with Nagi went well, even though Brad and Nagi did their alpha dog teeth-baring and metaphorical territorial pissing throughout. Brad passed on the information about that organization that wanted London Aya, and Nagi's people will be looking into them too. None of us wants a new Eszett-like organization to start to form.

I practiced some nearly forgotten art skills to help Nagi and tried to get a better feel for what the new Schuldig in the Nexus is about.

Gojyo figured out who kill_the_buddha is. No good deed goes unpunished. Oh, and hide_in_a_smile isn't a cute kitten anymore, so once the honeymoon period ends we should probably, unfortunately, expect the angst train to resume.

Watching these two guys trade insults is pretty amusing. Meanwhile, Aziraphale has fallen prey to one of the nastiest LOLs I've seen in a while.

Happy birthday, monkeyneedsfood! You don't look a day over 518.

nagi, london aya, gojyo, brad, london, new schuldig, aya, birthday, aya-chan, breakup, farfarello

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