Has Sprung

Apr 02, 2007 16:05

Spring is in the air, and so are personal ads for love or at least some kind of terrifying hook-up. Even Daleks are responding. I can't stand being too close to Daleks since I can actually read the screaming little minds inside the pepper pot casings, but damn are they hilarious from a distance.

Al's back! We just needed Edward Elric #1,346 (Ah, ah!) to arrive to bring him out. Kitten Tits has grown up a bit, but at least he's not all angular and gawky like he was during that one growing-up LOL. We like our Alphonses soft and cute! Rounded and firmly packed!

Kaa did an April Fool's Day joke. It's a shame it wasn't real, because just think of a little baby Kaa looking for strokings! That would have been the coolest! I was tempted to do an April Fool's joke but couldn't think of something folks would think of as completely out of character for me.

I'm having a Frey Suprême Citron & Poivre Dark Chocolate bar, and it's so good.

((Yup, it's Spring and sap is rising ::cough::, as is denial, so in dear_mun Schu is poking some_priest and his mun about some notmaking out that has been going on.))

sanzo, alphonse, kaa, chocolate

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