All right, Ichigo-chan. I ask again, When are you going to start treating yourself in ways that will make sure other people won't think you need to be saved from yourself?
People just worry sometimes. Wouldn't surprise any of us if you walked in shouting and failing and then part of your head popped off and blood geysered everywhere. ::Which is a fun image until Schuldig remembered that something like that had been done to Brad by an enemy, which takes a lot of the glee out. Brad had been bedridden for two weeks after it....::
*slight glare as he doubts the sincerely of your acceptance*
With all the people trying to kill me, I wouldn't be too surprised either... *notices the slight silence afterwards and it only draws his mind away to Hueco Mundo, where he's supposed to be*
((Beeeed.... school today... ::grumbles and rolls around:: I'll probably try to thread while in school during the morning hours... ::laughs::))
You should take better care of yourself, as much as you can. People will talk otherwise, and it's one of the few cases where people are talking for a good reason instead of a shit one.
::smiles:: Playing hooky from somewhere?
((Bed soon for me too. I'm East Coast, and I'm only up this late because I'm on disability leave from work.))
You'll take care of yourself once you've so beaten the crap out of your body with stress and trauma that you're in pain all the time and can't fight as well? Sounds like too late to me.
*easily forget the stabbing comment after that weird name*
People just worry sometimes. Wouldn't surprise any of us if you walked in shouting and failing and then part of your head popped off and blood geysered everywhere. ::Which is a fun image until Schuldig remembered that something like that had been done to Brad by an enemy, which takes a lot of the glee out. Brad had been bedridden for two weeks after it....::
With all the people trying to kill me, I wouldn't be too surprised either... *notices the slight silence afterwards and it only draws his mind away to Hueco Mundo, where he's supposed to be*
((Beeeed.... school today... ::grumbles and rolls around:: I'll probably try to thread while in school during the morning hours... ::laughs::))
::smiles:: Playing hooky from somewhere?
((Bed soon for me too. I'm East Coast, and I'm only up this late because I'm on disability leave from work.))
*glance at you then thinking about how his teacher beat him with her attendance clipboard/book after his last 3 week absense* Not really...
((EST time FTW! ::fails at life::))
Uh-huh. Sure.
*cringes as the remembered pain of the clipboard gives him a headache*
Maybe you should put in a token appearance now and then. Longer you stay away, the easier it seems to keep staying away.
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