OOC: Looking So Long for These Pictures of Schu

Oct 26, 2006 14:57

((Schu and I aren't really back yet. I'm still in a lot of pain from the surgery and not able to stay upright for long, though if I want to go out trick-or-treating I only have to show people the back of my head [squick warning].

However, some nice person gave me an LJ gift certificate. My account as myself is set for some time yet, so I decided to spend it on Schu. Thus, His Fabulosity now has 72 39 more slots for icons, just as he's demanded. Now I just need icons to fill the aching void. Can anyone help a brother/sister out here?

Lust!mun, you have made some lovely and much appreciated drawings recently, but they lose a lot when cropped down small to 100x100. Can fairy princess Schu be truly and fully appreciated with most of the details tiny or cropped out? I think not!))


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