Nov 12, 2004 11:04
Ok so I finally have a 20 second window open to breathe and relax. Althou we all know it won't last long. Seeming as how as I'm finally done with my midterms and don't have to read chapter after chapter of my textbooks, I am still plagued with the deminging task of having to write my research argument thesis paper. Now I know it should be easy but its not. Why? Cause my teacher is a dick, and no matter how many times I go and fix the paper and think its awsome, paul thinks its awsome, anybody who has a brain thinks its awsome the teacher finds at least a dozen things wrong with the paper and I get a C !?! So now I'm stressing on this since I showed him my thesis statement and my major, minor and conclusion arguments and he basically butchered it sayin they were too broad and rewrote them. I just always feel so stupid in his class like he's tryin to see how long it takes me to crack and undeclare my english major. Its even gotten to the point where I'm starting to detest and loath writing in general(I know blasphamy). So I'm just gunna relax as much as possible this weekend. Start writing a bit of the paper (like a paragraph) today and email it to him. Then on Sunday night/late afternoon (AFTER my date with Jayus) I'll finnish writing the rest of the 4/5pg paper and goto the writing center monday and hope that they can help me with it, rewrite it and then tues goto "Gomez" office hrs and show him and ask what i can do to improve the paper. Afterwards I"ll skip Jew class and just rewrite the paper yet again hopeing that it will come out semi decent enought to get me at least a B. I'm hopeing that Gomez does have a heart/soul and that when I hand in my portfolio he see's my improvement and decides to be nice and give me high grades. Cause right now I"m so worried that I'm gunna fail the class :(
*Happy thoughts happy thoughts*
Its friday I get to play D&D, I didn't have a math quiz, I'm payin for my dorm room, I have a job interview, and I get paid today :) Sat I get to ride and hang out with friends, and Sunday I'm goin shopping with my mom for clothing(love when she pays, and goto the movies and see my Jayus (AN ACTUAL DATE!).
Other than that i'm tryin not to see to far into the future cause I really don't wanna go down the feeling bad for mary she doesn't know what's to happen path. I'm a romantic and whole believes in destiny/fate kinda girl so whatever happens happens and I'd rather I test myself now in my life rather than feel its to late and that i'm traped and miserable. So here's to finally jumpin off the cliff and seein if I land on the nice comfy ground on my feet.