Title: This Love
Music: "This Love" by Craig Armstrong & Elizabeth Fraser
Focus: Riku/Sora, Axel/Roxas, Cloud/Leon
Footage: Kingdom Hearts II [clips from
Format: .wmv
Size: 56,9 MB
Length: 04:31
Warnings: Spoilers, boy lovin'.
Notes: Whoa, my first KH vid. *bounce* This was fun to do, and even though it's been ages since the last time I made a vid, I think it ended up pretty good. :) And, uh, yes, I wanted to include all three pairings - hope you don't mind. :D
And one more thing: if you can, please download the file instead of watching it on Youtube - the quality is so much better that way. Youtube did something terrible to the quality, and I have no idea what I can do about it. Meh.
Oh, and if you want to download this but can't use Megaupload or Sendspace, just let me know - I'll be more than happy to upload it somewhere else. :)
Btw, comments are highly appreciated. ♥
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