stupid people are stupid... or not.

Mar 17, 2009 15:56

Okay, seriously, whoever is doing it: STOP HOTLINKING MY STUFF. Why is it so fucking difficult to understand that you do not hotlink stuff unless you have permission to do so?
*sigh* Oh the stupidity of some people.
I need an angry!icon. D:

Urgh. I'm sorry about the very ugly 'bandwidth exceeded' notices you'll see for the next three weeks in all my posts. I might reupload the icons from my newest posts to another PB account, but I honestly don't know if I'll have time for that. D: Blah. Now I'm actually tempted to start locking all my posts. D:

Lolol, I'm sorry if that sounded really harsh. I've calmed down now and have seen the light, and am not upset anymore and I can't for the life of me decide whether being angry was a totally normal response, or just me being me XD. I guess it just sort of took me by surprise - I mean, my bandwith was down to maybe less than 10 GB when I uploaded my latest batch, and a couple of days later it was suddenly 25 GB already and it made me go sort of wtf because I never thought it would happen. Haha. Idk. Now I just find this amusing. And, uh, I guess a thank you is in order? I mean, it is sort of flattering (thank you gdmcrjunkie for making me realize that :D) that so many people look at my icons that my bandwidth goes bye-bye, isn't it?

(And no, I will not make this place members-only. I admit that I did think about it for a little while, but then I realized that I honestly don't want to do it. I like keeping my posts open to everyone. ♥ Now, if a lot of people suddenly decided that they want to steal my stuff, then that would be something entirely different, but I don't see that ever happening, so. 8D)

Lol, sorry for the insanely long post. I shall now go and pretend to make some icons. Or something.
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