Apr 23, 2004 00:27
Ahhh... the updating of the lj. Sucks you can't pick two "mood's" at once, that'd be cool.
*If you don't forgive, whoever and whatever the problem will occupy rent-free space in your head.*
Now that's the damn truth. As I realized today... when staring at the back of a certain someone's head. I can't stay mad about the things in the past even though they hurt like hell. If I never let it go, it's gonna haunt me. So I'm doing my best not to be angry. I guess some people really would do anything for their "friends". It's all the past. It's all done and over. But it doesn't FEEL that way. It feels like it just happened yesterday and I'm still plotting my revenge, while crying and feeling miserable for myself in my room. Who do they think they are to play God and just ruin people's happiness? And then think they got away with it for all these months! And let me spend all those months thinking it was my fault. Laughing and giggling to each other because you ruined the one thing I cherished at the time. Maybe you don't know what it feels like to have your feelings and your heart ripped out and stomped all over, but karma is a bitch and one day, you'll find out. Then guess who's going to be laughing, secretly and quietly in my head while I let you cry on my shoulder. Only the best part of it will be the fact that you had to try and work at making my life miserable for a short time, while I merely stood by and watched you do it to your own life. Great satisfaction that day will bring.
WOW now with that off my chest, I feel mucho better. I would have cut it because it's so long, but well yeah I never can remember how to do that... whatever. It'll be okay. I do believe I will be heading to Melissa's tonight with her when she gets off work. Cool. For a night of relaxtion and hanging out, before our adventure tomorrow to cash our checks and get our new uniforms. Then my adventure to work, and hers to sleep I imagine. Then, maybe my adventure back to her house, which will then lead us to WalMart. Cool beans. Hopefully.
Saturday- my brother's birthday. Yay. I do not have to work. Saturday or Sunday. Meeting at 3 on Sunday though... then hanging out with JR. If the day goes as planned, it'll be tight. I'm excited.
Tonight made me hate Taco Bell a little bit more. Evan, hates me. Me, hates Evan. He's always whining until he gets his way. It's like Tasha doesn't realize that SHE is HIS boss, not him being her boss. Grrr. Then... I got tired of him bitching about the rest of the night crew never cleaning the grill. So then the other night JR and I tried to clean it. We did a little bit... but alas, we grilled nothing else on it the rest of the night for fear of the all the cleaning shit we couldn't get off poisoning everyone. Then I first get to work, and I hear Evan "WHO CLOSED LAST NIGHT?" uhh me and JR and then he goes on to the grill starts bitching about something being wrong with it and all you have to do is blah blah. Whatever, then Marty came over and I was like oh Evan that was me. Evan: "Oooh, ok" AHHH Pissed me off for the rest of the night and I now officially do not like Evan. I'm telling Tasha I do not want to close with him anymore. He doesn't wanna close with me, I don't wanna close with him. So there we go, problem solved and we'll both be happy. GRRR.
Well this update is getting a little long, and surely a little boring. Peace out fellow lj friends.