way to early

Aug 07, 2004 07:01

holy moly kids... its 7 in morning and i am awake..... i havent done this in forever. So yesterday i went and talked to nicole. I havent talked to her in forever. WE were pretty good friends . During cross country we were inseperable. But we just slowly stoped hanging out. And then this big thing happend with my mom and we didnt talk at all. I was doin pretty good with my life when i was around her. Shes one of those good influences. Shes way kool. BUt her fam is hardcore judgmental. They made u feel like dirt for sumthing small. THen track came along.. and i started that. Once i left school we didnt talk at all. I misss school. I miss everyone. Im a social person. I completely forgot about how much i liked running and cross country. I forgot how good it felt after a race and u know u kicked ass. The pain of it was .... i dont know wut it was but to know u did it was nice. I completely forgot about camp. I want to go so bad. We go up to whidbe or wutever island and we stay there for a week. We run 40 miles. Everyone has good times we camp out there and run by the ocean. Oh man. I gotta save to pay for it. Im going. I will be varsity next year. I did hella good this year but varsity was so hard to break. but next year i WILL. I miss Huvde... out coach...he was pimp... oh man and eshalls. HOly cow best coaches ever. OK im done reminicing.( dude I know i cant spell)
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