(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 23:39

so.... cky at sonar last night. i haven't had that much fun in a long time. adam and i get there right around when they were opening the doors. the line is wrapped around the building like crazy. it looked like more people than can even fit in there. forgot jonathan works the door, lol. wasn't sure how i would be greeted by him since he wanted to go out with my sister but she kinda whored him up, but he was cool to me. opening bands not too interesting to me. not horrible but just not what i was feeling. at that time, i was actually just feeling like shit cause i've had a sore throat for the past couple days and it was really hot in there and people were being assholes. right before cky went on everyone around me were being super duper pushy assholes, i almost got in a fight with some guy actually. he was behind me and his friends were in front of me, so he decided to push into my back as hard as he could to push me out of the way, and then when i was regaining my balance he snaked up next to/in front of me. i put my nails in his shoulder and pushed him so that i still had the same spot and he was next to me, then i bitched him out and didn't shut up til he was embarassed and said "i'm sorry". then a bunch of other guys came up and were obviously really fucked up on something, full of energy, all pumped up about the show and trying to get this guy out of the front who had to have been at least 6'5 and was on the front barrier. i was actually stuck behind the ridiculously tall guy for like a minute right before they went on, but as soon as the crowd moved, i could see much better, and ended up just being behind one guy who was shorter than me.

seeing them play and being in the middle of the madness (the crowd was pumped as fuck) was fucking great, thats what its all about. shit like that makes me feel alive. the band is so full of energy, and they interact with the crowd a lot. they have a new bassist, matt dice. i was in front of him. they played for almost an hour and a half. they played pretty much everything i wanted to hear, old stuff, some new songs (which i dont really know yet). they actually asked the crowd what they wanted to hear and just played parts of songs as i guess something extra. as time went on the crowd got less violent and it was perfect. the band insisted that the crowd "never shut up" though. after they played the last song ("close yet far") chad walked over to our side and shook everyone's hands, then matt came down and did the same, he actually gave me a hug and handed me one of his personalized bass picks (which he doesn't use so i dunno why he even had them). noticed my watch had fallen off at some point but didn't care because i had so much fun.

on our way out, ran into matt, who works there now but he's one of bill's friends i haven't seen in forever. so that cracked me up. i was a little afraid of running into bill there actually. cky definitely reminds me of him, we got into them together, and some of their songs make me think of him. so anyway, adam and i decide to go into one of the other rooms to see if anyone he knows is there (sonar is normally a dance club). by the bar hanging out with a very small group of people is RAKE YOHN! hhahahaha that was awesome. so we hung out with him for a good half hour to an hour. someone asked him about mustard, lol. he explained the reason he hates it is cause its really gross to him and compared it to a man having cum in his hair, its that disgusting to him. he's actually very smart and well-spoken. it surprised me a little since they kinda make him out to be this "arggg metal" guy on jackass/cky/haggard. which i guess he is, he looks very metal. and hes really really tall. people were taking pictures with him, but i didn't have a camera and my camera phone needs much more light to take a picture. he made some great metal faces in the pics with other people though. so after a little while JESS MARGERA walks in. well more like stumbles in. he's drunk as hell. trying to keep himself up, and not really able to concentrate on any one person long enough to have a real conversation. he kept telling everyone he was still wearing his pajamas, he said it like 4 different times. and he took some shots and chased it with beer. so yeah still regretting that not bringing a camera thing. but it was awesome we got to meet those people and we had an awesome time :)

cky, concerts

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