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Jul 07, 2005 23:25

You Are 43% American
America: You don't love it or want to leave it.
But you wouldn't mind giving it an extreme make over.
On the 4th of July, you'll fly a freak flag instead...
And give Uncle Sam a sucker punch!

How American Are You?

haha thats probably pushing it. the only thing i like about independance day is the fireworks and getting drunk haha. well for the 4th i went to josh's house and we could see the fireworks from there. they were climbing on the roof to see them better but i was like nah fuck that cause i was wearing platform and was a bit drunk and didn't really wanna fall off the roof. so we could actually see them better from the corner of belair road and putty hill anyway, so thats where we stood. tried to take pictures with my camera phone but apparently its not quite high tech enough to handle that cause it just looks like blobs of light. we had fun though. and we made smores on the grill and i was talking about how we should catapolt the burning coals onto cars. i come up with strange ideas when i drink haha. not that i would actually do it. or would i?

its heather's birthday. we were gonna go to the improv, but mike can't find his id, so we couldn't go. we went to friday's instead, which was fine with me. heather and i each got one of those big ass lemon raspberry drinks. she was so happy to be able to buy a drink haha. last night we were waiting for the clock to turn to midnight so it would be her actual birthday. as soon as the clock struck 12, we had to put on this tape we've had since we were little, its this birhday song with "zoom" who lives on the moon, and he sings a birthday song with your name in it, its hilarious. so by that point we were drunk off our asses off of screwdrivers and we were singing that song loud as shit and dancing while the tape was playing and i know mike and johnny had to be thinking we were crazy. then we ate heather's birthday brownie cake that mike made a shock symbol and mm symbol on for her. and smeared it all over her face. then we danced around to "shut me up" with the fat joe mask/pope mask/masquerade mask on, and sung a bunch more msi really loud til heather got tired and promptly passed out. before the cd was over. its 25 minutes long, lol.

tomorrow is heather's birthday party, so all of our "real life" friends are invited, and i'm sure you already read that on heather's journal as well. ally's birthday party is on saturday. so we're gonna have a fun weekend :) oh and i changed my hair colors again. don't feel like taking pictures right now, but let it be known, its only gotten more colorful, if you can imagine that muhahaahah

sillyness, birthday, msi, 4th of july, heather&mike, drunk

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