religious blabbering

May 03, 2005 00:53

you know what really annoys me? when something amazing happens and everyone calls it a miracle, an act of god, a reason to believe. when really its coincidence or heroic efforts of people. if i was the hero in that situation i'd be pretty upset that a lot of people believe that the fact that they prayed has more to do with the good event than what i did. i mean, praying for something, or doing absolutely nothing for that matter, has a 50/50 chance of turning out in your favor. i'd like to do a study on it. randomly talk to people who pray and then those who don't, and see if there was actually any difference in the outcome of what they were trying to accomplish. if praying motivates you to do something, then thats cool, its your own personal pep talk. but thinking that its going to happen simply because you prayed is just silly. anything requires more effort than that. if it were really that easy would't all religious people have perfect lives?

this isn't really about anything in particular. i'm just saying give yourself more credit. or give other people more credit. everything thats good that happens isn't a direct result of god willing it to be that way, and everything bad isn't because satan won that time. its just a balance of nature, with a mix of being at the right place at the right time. some things are under our control, some aren't. i believe that most things in life are not predetermined, there are several paths you could take in life. but there are a few events, or people, things that are so monumental that no matter what you do, you'll always arrive at that part of your destiny. i've seen proof of it in my own life. people that i keep coming across over and over again. people i lose touch with, and when i find them again we pick off right where we left off like there was no time in between. i can't really explain it, but thats about the only faith that i have, the closest thing to a religious belief. i believe that we're destined to meet certain people that will make an impact in our lives. and i believe in karma, which i see evidence of every day.

like my dad used to say, "funny, the harder i work the luckier i become". because when he had his own business and worked his ass off he was making a lot of money and people would see his success and tell him how lucky he is. its not luck. hard work pays off, spreading good instead of evil pays off. you reap what you sow. i can give many examples of people around me that show that. the more you fuck people over, the more you fuck yourself over. good things don't just fall into your lap for no reason. try and test this. you can change your life at any point. i'm not saying doing well with everything in life will always be easy. the closer you are to rock bottom the harder it will be. but the farther you climb the easier it will become. the more positive energy you put out the more you will get back, and the opposite is true. try doing a good deed for no reason, something not selfish. you'll see things start to change. just change your outlook. outlook is everything. if you stop thinking of everything around you as so bad, it won't be, and you can gain the motivation it takes to change what you don't like about your life.

random thoughts, rants, religion

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