ocean city hair show

Sep 23, 2009 12:52

richie and i only got maybe 5 hours sleep before driving to ocean city for the cbs hair show saturday. had to wake up at 10am to teach my mom how to give plato his medicine while we were away. heather and i were going to the hair show, and richie and eric were going to do other things while we were there.

it was still bike week, and we didn't really know what to make of that til we got there. holy shit i've never seen so many motorcycles in my life. literally thousands upon thousands of them. total chaos. luckily the amounts trickled down per day, and by monday there were hardly any left.

stayed at the carousel, our normal hotel. we bought a ton of alcohol to get us through the weekend. beer, mixed flavors of smirnoff ice, vodka, wine, and premade red headed slut mix. saturday at the hair show was registration and sales floor only, no classes. heather and i bought some stuff from sexy hair, and they had people giving out champagne and appetizers. ran into my cbs rep jessica, and she introduced us to some of the sexy hair people. afterwards we drank a bit, took some funny pictures, and went out to dinner at the dough roller. richie and i planned to keep the party going and kept drinking afterwards, but heather and eric were too tired and passed out. so richie and i had sex in the bathroom, then passed out too lol.

sunday heather and i went to a class: sexy hair- "structure in motion" from 11:30-1. it was a fun cutting class, it wasn't hands on. but it was emidio tripodi and wayne tuggle on stage doing haircuts on models with upbeat fast music playing, it's wild. and they're fun guys. learned a lot of new cutting techniques and took a lot of notes. at the end they threw sample packs at us. went to brunch at the satellite cafe, then back to the hair show to catch "redken: salon meetings...positive, productive, profitable" with kristi valenzuela from 2:30-4. i seriously can't wait to start doing the things she talked about. it actually made me excited to hold a meeting. we caught the end of another sexy hair class, "tru vixen", but a lot of it was going over some of the same stuff from earlier too. got back to the hotel and drank a bit. then went to big pecker's for dinner. eric started to feel sick, so we had to take him back to the hotel to rest. we then went to the party/fundraiser they were having at seacrets.

when we first got there we didn't know where to go cause the place is so big. started drinking their specialty drink "pain in de ass" which is pina colada and rum runner mixed. we finally found our area, the night club. heather and i got our pink breast cancer spray and play harder hairsprays for our donation. the night club area is pretty neat looking, the ceiling looks like the night sky with stars and planets. they had confetti and giant balloons we were keeping up in the air. they had a dj and then a (richie said they were pretty crappy and weren't even playing the songs correctly) cover band. normally, the songs would have not been my favorites, but i was pretty drunk by that point and we were having a blast. the place was full of hot girls (hairdressers are hot, it's pretty much a prerequisite), and hardly any guys. richie kept getting hit on, it was funny to me. we took lots of pictures.

once we got back to the hotel, we decided to go play in the sand/ocean and collect seashells. then we ran into some hairdresser girls loved us (all of us haha) and wanted to drink. we drank a bit with them, but it was getting late and they were getting management called up to their room, so we went back to our room. heather and eric went to sleep and richie and i went back out to the ocean, where we share an "intimate" moment haha. much of the night is a big blur to me, but all i know is i had a great time and it's nice to not have to worry/think about anything at least for one night.

the next morning we were extremely tired and a bit hung over. had to check out by 11, and went to the satellite cafe again for breakfast, before going back to the hair show for another class from 12-1:30. this one was "desk extreme makeover" also taught by kristi. this was another really good one that tied in to her other class really well. with all the stuff we learned we should be making ourselves and the salon a lot more money. as long as i can get ky to let me change some things and go along with it!

we drove back home once the class was over. we were all tired and out of money. heather and i both returned with sore throats and runny noses, and she's got a pretty bad cough. all we were doing probably got our immune systems down a lot. but definitely all worth it.

parties, sick, adventures, hair, ocean city, drunk

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