kaiser has fucked me over again...plus some good stuff

Mar 06, 2007 23:11

so over the past few days i've been getting progressively worse ringing/muffling of sounds in my ears. today it's been the entire day, and it sounds like the day after i've been to a concert where i was very close to the speakers. did some online research and found out some antibiotics can cause this reaction in some people, but it could also be an allergic reaction. called and left a message for my doctor this morning about this, and about my test results. i was able to find out through one of the nurses that my test results for my blood test and urinalysis were normal, and that they sent me a LETTER to tell me this. they weren't planning on calling me at all. they could have at least called me to tell me "hey why don't you stop taking those antibiotics we put you on for a uti, since we found (2nd time i've been tested for it, 1st time also negative, and i had no signs of having one in the 1st place) out that you don't have one!" but i guess taking unnecessary medication is a-ok by them. the nurse i talked to told me to stop taking my medications and the doctor should call me back within the next 2 hours.

at 2 i had my appointment for the lasik consultation. went through a lot of tests, and i am a good candidate for the surgery. they had my pupils all dialated and i had to wear these stupid looking sunglass thingys so i could drive home since my eyes had become sensitive to the light. they were very thorough, letting me know everything i could possibly want to know about the surgery itself, the after effects, etc. it was nice to be treated that way by a doctor. i was starting to lose my faith in them after the kaiser shit. it's going to cost nearly $3000 to correct my eyes, since i don't have any vision coverage in my insurance, but the woman i talked to said she'd try to find me a coupon to try to get some money off. so i can make my appointment for that whenever i want, and they have plans for 0% financing, so that's pretty cool.

got home from that a little after 4, then had to go grocery shopping right away so i would have time to do that before taking richie to drivers ed. once i got home from grocery shopping i decided to call the doctor back again because it had been 5 hours since i left the message for her and she didn't call me back yet. still didn't get to talk to her, but the nurses told me to completely stop taking the antibiotic (wow really? i could have told you that from the beginning, i didn't wanna take it in the 1st place!) and only take the vicodin when i really need it, and take motrin in between if i can. yay yay one more non-answer for me. oh and it could take up to a few weeks for my hearing to come back completely. oh joy. i am so pissed off at these people, it's like they don't even care. and putting me on a medication that i didn't need, and that probably being the one that gave me hearing loss (hopefully it's only temporary or those fuckers are getting sued), that's pretty fucking shitty. i just wish anyone could give me a real answer. i can't wait to be done with this and drop this insurance.

yesterday richie started drivers ed. he's had a learner's for a really long time but never went to drivers ed so he never got a real license. i went with him for the first day, apparently the under 18 year olds had to bring their parents, and he wanted be to be there so he wouldn't feel stupid for being so old. the whole class was about how the parents were to go about teaching their teenagers to drive haha! it's just a joke because richie already knows how to drive as well as i do. there is no teaching to be done, it's getting the hours, and that's all. it's so silly. he'll be done in 3 weeks then he can go get his license.

health problems, lasik

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